Dash, Anarchapulco and Jeffery Tucker

Angela Fisher

New member
Two things stood out to me this year at Anarchapulco. One is that I fell in love with Dash. Thank you for being there! The other was buying into Tucker's newly founded crypto embassy. Mostly. Tucker founder a Bitcoin Embassy for name recognition while he was easily selling me on the idea that I too, should continue this trend, I was not sold on a Bitcoin or even a BCH named embassy. I do understand all of the reasons; the marketing, the politics, the earned media and so on.
So I came home and did some research and now I am sure that I am in love with Dash.
My uncertainty comes from owning a permanent brand without huge name recognition.
I am not terribly afraid of building a brand and I have some very passionate activism behind building it. But do I do more work or less?

The location: Indianapolis, IN USA.

The concept: Dash North American Cryptocurrency Embassy or Dash Embassy of Indianapolis
Education: Dash already provides so much, this part would be pretty easy but there would be plenty of opportunity for speakers and I am very active with youth organizations in universities in the area as well the Libertarian organizations so the audience is captive and would just need to grow.
Events: Outreach events to explore trading with alternative currency
Annual Conference
On-site commerce, buy, sell

Use of the space otherwise: Haker/ Cowork Space
Vibrant, inspiring environment that is available 24 hours per day with 3D printing, voice over studio, napping pods, yoga trapeze, desks, ping pong table, food and beverage and rotating workshops; ideally a shower.
Hmm, an interesting idea, but are you sure Indiana is really the best place for such a project? I live about an hour from this location. That's one of maybe a handful of cities in the entire state that is anything but a wasteland. I also have some friends with a long history of involvement in hacker/maker-spaces full of horror stories. Without a solid charter and enforcement of that charter, they seem to fall apart or run afoul of all sorts of code and regulatory issues. On the other hand, this State is also desperately in need of revitalization and opportunities within burgeoning industries like cryptocurrency and associated technologies, and the cost of living is incredibly low (one of the few things still keeping me here).

One other reservation I have is that the Indiana Libertarian scene has a serious Nazi/White Supremacist/etc problem; so much so that it drove me far Left. I'd be very hesitant to send any Dash that way if it's going to attract these types of people.

If this gets fleshed out more with more specifics and market research in terms of viability, locations, space, costs, etc, I'd be happy to lend a hand. Like I said, I know some people with experience in this field, so I can tap them too. One other place you might contact/research if you've never heard of it is another Maker-space in Lafayette near Purdue University called Matchbox: http://matchboxstudio.org/ They started a few years back and have been pretty successful as far as I know. I have several friends who run various workshops out of it.
Hey! Thank you for responding! I want to first distinguish a relatively significant point. Hacker and maker space isn't the same. There are enough maker spaces in the area that are successful. There is not a need for any additional at this time.
I realize that the midwest isn't famous for understanding this difference. My model comes from hacker spaces in Denver/ Boulder melded with Google HQ. It's robotics, tech, programming, VR kinda stuff instead of wood working and heavy tools whose names I don't even know. :)

Also I am concerned about your perception of Indiana Libertarians. I've been VERY active within the party throughout the whole state (I'm also active nationally). There isn't a single person who discriminates against others. In fact, the Indiana group is comprised of a fairly diverse group of loving folks. We do regular work with the Ten Points Coalition which is an inner city, keeping youth off the streets and away from police, group. We also work with previous Black Panthers that were loud outspoken archivists and of course Adbul. One of our biggest media allies is a black Muslim political reporter.

I would absolutely love to further engage you and bring you the real Ls in Indiana. You said you're about an hour away, right? Which direction?

And I've got the budgets, potential spaces, operating expenses both fixed and non, staff, et al; already lined up.

As for Indianapolis, one, Indy needs it. Two, the airport is easy and cheap for visitors from anywhere in the world. Three, people have been asking me to put together a hacker or co-working space for years because no one is 24/7. I can't fathom why anyone would think any particular hours are off limits to entrepreneurs but they do.
This is simply a way to monetize an embassy without begging for money every few months. I would rather have a space that offers value to the crypto community so we can choose who we want to feature. Which is the reason to not go BTC or BCH. Anyway, I definitely have some things to show you.
Nice to 'meet'you!
That's a fair distinction, but not always one that is made depending on how large/diverse the space is. On that note, Matchbox is more of a "co-working" space than either, but they also have some tools, 3d Printers, Laser Cutters, etc.

As for Libertarians, this is from my engagement with them maybe 10 years ago (before the Tea Party was even a thing). It's entirely possible those sorts weeded themselves out in to the "Alt-Right," distinct from general Libertarians in the intervening years, but there were quite a few back then, turned me off from that crowd completely. If things are different now, great, glad to hear it!

I'm NW of Indy, Greater Lafayette Area.

For sure, if you get things nailed down let me know, dunno what/to what extent I can contribute, but happy to help however I can, even if as liaison to the rest of the MNOs.
Yea, ten years ago it could have been anything. :) You should check it out. I will keep you updated! I look forward to meeting you in person.