CZ/SK community management proposal


Active member
Dear Community,
I am in bitcoin community since mid 2012. I was very young so I decided to not only do various stuff around cryptocurrencies but to study as well. Fortunately I finished university education recently. Since november 2015 I started exploring different cryptocurrencies in search of scalable cryptocurrency as I really hate to not only pay high-fees that bitcoin is transitioning towards.

Since January I decided to establish site about dash for Czecho-Slovak community and Facebook page as well that I am mantaining and promoting regularly on various places as well as on bitcoin meetups. I have already organized one meetup in Brno - second biggest city in Czech republic.

Very recently I saw data from this site:

Nepojmenovaný obrázek.png
- source
So I believe that my activities were likely efficient as I know that my activities impacted thousands of people.

Strategy for this project
Strong community is the best thing for all kinds of goals that Dash relies on. I believe it is better to build stronger foundation and see local companies (exchanges, bitcoin trezor and a lot more) and investors move toward our solution with some marketing toward that but only as a complementary thing.

Budget alocation
1650USD @8.45 = 195,26 DASH --> 195 DASH
for three months, even thought it will require new submission to new governance engine after this month.

  • Bring more relevant people to pages or (for those that speak only czech) --> more adoption, merchants and more investors
    • via Various marketing channels (most importantly website + newsletter and FB) - with focus described below
  • Create more local language content with most important informations in video form
    • It will be different style than Amanda probably, yet I will try to bring fast translations for Amanda videos about Dash to Czech because it makes zero sense to make the same thing twice)
  • Facebook channel - maintain on more regular basis - daily
  • Twitter channel - create and maintain
  • Meetups - speak about dash on regular BTC meetup in Prague as main topic.
    • There are tens of important figures of czech crypto scene every week
  • Get more press coverage of topic - preparations and explorations already made

Example of video production:

  • Bring 60% of current bitcoin users/enthusiasts/companies closer and closer to dash and show the good that are dash's advantage
  • 20% - bring it to economists and other profesionals that could be a source of propagation toward more people
  • 20% bring it to completely new people
(in longer-term - increase percentage toward new people as Evolution is coming as Evolution will be great for new people)

Another plan:
  • My friend and entrepreneur in Slovak republic could bring awaraness to Slovak people that understand Czech language very well (we used to be one country before 1993) - high priority - this could get done very fast as relationships are very good and there was some comunication about this issue
  • Explore Switzerland market and try to kickstart Switzerland comunity as they could be strategicaly important and I will be likely in touch with some people in comunity in less than month and I have some good partner there as well
  • I would like to manage Swiss comunity as well untill they build their own organization - it will be more efficient for them but some cooperation would be beneficial for both sides
Risks and mitigation
There are risks of not being able to execute some part/s of plan. These risks are very likely to be mitigated as I know czech community and they know me so I will be able to find different ppl to cooperate with.

Video production - there might be unforseen challenged but it will be very easily fixed as I will move to bigger town where it will be very easy to get in touch with required skills.

Comunication requirements:
It will be very good to have good and up-to-date informations from core team. But it will be of a great value to have information about analytics of so that it will be easier to analyze impact of this project and to have bigger impact toward goals.


I will review progress made on dash forum every month.

Contact info
[email protected]

Vote Please

dash-cli mnbudget vote-many 5a1a64636b15a7be8e79ccb5c79c54561e297ca8394d215f577e14d2a3a54999 yes

My other relevant experience
Webdesign project management + some administration - e.g.,
Investment strategy 4+ years
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Apparently, it's ok to down-vote this proposal yet we'll vote yes for a proposal where the hotel expenses exceed this!
First of all, let me say what amazing initiative on your part. I really commend the effort and it does appear that your efforts are having an impact.

Here are my thoughts on the proposal...
1) It does appear that you are having impact in driving traffic to the webpage, and it honestly doesn't take bringing in very many people to pay for a project like this one
2) I really like that you have already done work that proves your worth... as opposed to someone coming here asking for money that hasn't been a contributor. It adds to your credibility.
3) You are very specific about how you will allocate your time and to what purposes while maintaining some flexibility

My concerns:
1) I do like to know the real names of proposal owners where possible. GreyGhost's and (obviously) Amanda's identities are well known. It's not that I plan to hunt you down if the results are poor! It just adds more credibility and real-world accountability to your proposal. Most people wouldn't want their friends or family knowing they just ripped off Dash and disappeared. So knowing your real-world identity would be beneficial to garnering trust.
2) I am concerned with the size of the market. Would it be better for us to focus on a larger audience like French or German before Czech? Not much you can do about this.
3) It is a lot of money compared to our other translation services which cover Russian, Spanish, Chinese, and Portuguese already. Each of those languages we have historically spent about $300 a month each on. So this is more than what was spent on all the others combined (though you are doing much more outreach beyond translations and videos)
4) While it is great that 4% of our traffic is coming from Czech, realistically it really can't go much higher given the small size of the market. It will never be 15% of our traffic. China on the other hand...

I will have to read from other commenters and noodle on this one a bit more. I love encouraging this type of grass-roots efforts, but I want to spend our resources where they can have the most impact.
Love It! Best of luck my friend. Don't take it personally if it didn't pass right away.... I have a feeling other factors might be at play..
Thank you for your time @babygiraffe
My real name is (sorry I am mostly meeting people in person and I did not kept my profile up-to-date at all). Czech community knows who I am because I spread posts with my real name on facebook. I already changed my profile picture on dash slack for my real photo yesterday. - I was testing intensely on testnet and I love where the dash client is headed. Before all this I made my own site where I wrote some original articles.

I partialy agree with your attitude towards various markets. China is top priority in my opinion, looking at litecoin proves it. Yet from my personal daily experience I see that even though positioning phase of marketing had some progress people don't think about dash a lot as an investment, they don't know about all the great features it has and how it is better than Bitcoin. They don't know how to setup masternode, who to ask for help and so on... In summary I see great potential in Czech republic. Yet I would like to propose a solution. This proposal requires 195 dash, I could either send it again for about 90 dash or leave it the way it is and for upcoming months I could lower requirements according to stakeholder neeeds.

Czech republic is country full of IT people and people who are good at working with informations, in this market you can hire programmers cheaper than in other developed europan countries, we have way lover prices of real estate most importantly for foreigners as CZK/EUR is suppresed by national bank. Even though Czech republic is not very big, we are one of the most important Bitcoin spaces we have this conference in the famous Paralelní Polis in Prague. When I think about it I could ask the team if they want someone from Dash community. This conference is full of foreign people so important figures could learn about Dash and influence whole world

The plan is to spread news to Slovakia too, so it will be another country without any real effort. They are used for czech language a lot, both languages are very similiar.

As I stated I am willing to help kickstarting Swiss comunity as well, because I will be in touch with Switzerland on regular basis probably. I am very interested in the country, unfortunately I am not interested in German, Austrian contries - but I might change my opinion in the future.
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I am sorry, what do you mean by that?

He's supporting you, being sarcastic about how funds are spent lol don't mind him he's just one of them damn trolls. ;]

Also, did you do the video production? that in and of itself needs to be a full time role from the Dash blockchain IMO.... video is the best way to communicate these days. ESPECIALLY quality videos like the one you posted, i'm more interested in that aspect than anything honestly..
He's supporting you, being sarcastic about how funds are spent lol don't mind him he's just one of them damn trolls. ;]

Also, did you do the video production? that in and of itself needs to be a full time role from the Dash blockchain IMO.... video is the best way to communicate these days. ESPECIALLY quality videos like the one you posted, i'm more interested in that aspect than anything honestly..

Actualy downside is that it makes this proposal way more expensive and harder to manage but it could influence so much people in short time that I had to include it. The video production is by my very close friend that could do the video for good price as we are not so much expensive country. But still I don't want to see some parasitism ;)
Actualy downside is that it makes this proposal way more expensive and harder to manage but it could influence so much people in short time that I had to include it. The video production is by my very close friend that could do the video for good price as we are not so much expensive country. But still I don't want to see some parasitism ;)

Ok well let him know that his skills would be massively helpful and appreciated. There are MANY ways to market Dash with mere 30 second videos... it might be the best ROI we've seen to date honestly...
I love encouraging this type of grass-roots efforts, but I want to spend our resources where they can have the most impact.

It's nice to see we have at least 1 strong Dash community member in Czech republic - really good!

But I agree we have to spend budget money the most effective way, Worldwide...
And we can learn from traditional corporations how they compete on the international market - Localization (having one main English media stream, translated for the rest of the world) is the most effective way, as usual (especially for such time-money-consuming process as video production).
Dash already has a huge amount of materials in English those are waiting for localization to all other languages - I would advice you, @Comodore to take care of this. It is not that interesting (and even boring), but this activity has the best effect/expenses ratio!

Anyway, good luck with all you efforts to promote Dash!
@Comodore , are you planning to attend this conference?

It would be great if someone from the Dash community could represent us there.
We'll be focusing our efforts on three main categories. Get inspired by the following topics or feel free to bring up your own project idea.
A) Hacking TREZOR
Explore possibilities of our new hardware
Security review and bug hunting
B) TREZOR Infrastructure
Login with TREZOR to websites (e.g. Drupal, Wordpress client side etc.)
Improve support for other cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum
Smart contracts and smart asset apps
Easy to use secure messaging / email with GPG
Encryption of file documents and / or entire disks
Login to Windows, Linux, Mac (e.g. PAM)
Improve TREZOR support for mobile apps
@Commodore. To strengthen your proposal, could you perhaps outline some deliverables:

For example, i will:

Attend X number of bitcoin meetups. Taking place on the following dates a,b,c.
Contact X number of finance/crypto journalists with information on the dash project.
Translate Grey Ghosts investment doc.

I agree, you should prob stick to your own country where u have more expertise. What you are asking for isn't a lot. If you can be clearer on the deliverables, i will vote yes.
@Commodore. To strengthen your proposal, could you perhaps outline some deliverables:

For example, i will:

Attend X number of bitcoin meetups. Taking place on the following dates a,b,c.
Contact X number of finance/crypto journalists with information on the dash project.
Translate Grey Ghosts investment doc.

I agree, you should prob stick to your own country where u have more expertise. What you are asking for isn't a lot. If you can be clearer on the deliverables, i will vote yes.
Hello I have made a new (pre)proposal adressing community needs.
Why are views here so high?

Because somebody with a french IP ( that knows python has been pulling this page every minute for over 56,000 minutes.

I guess somebody really likes your proposal.
Unfortunately, they've never logged into the forum from that ip, so I can't tell you who. :)
Because somebody with a french IP ( that knows python has been pulling this page every minute for over 56,000 minutes.

I guess somebody really likes your proposal.
Unfortunately, they've never logged into the forum from that ip, so I can't tell you who. :)

You have to change the "views" column with a column named "unique views".