Cutting edge developments of 2014 and beyond


Well-known member
Not only has 2014 been an exciting year for cryptocurrencies but there have been many quite amazing developments and discoveries (particularly in the biology area) and as yet some of them dont have real world uses but that will change over time.

1) master on/off switch of conciousness in the brain, have we made the first step to understanding the origins of conciousness inside the brain's construct?

2) lab grown vagina - (you know whats coming next don't you)

3) bacteria that feed off pure electricity, remember ' the Andromada Strain' anyone?!
'Researchers have found that "tens of thousands of electric bacteria can join together form daisy chains that carry electrons"—essentially a fully living (and live) electrical biocable

4) opto genetics, this is a cutting edge area where cells inside neurons are modified to be switched on/off like a switch by light. One of the first uses is to cure blindness (although there is no sensitivity-its all in single colour 1 bit vision so far). Plug the internet directly into your brain via optically fibre anyone?
''To stimulate superficial brain areas such as the cerebral cortex, optical fibers or LEDs can be directly mounted to the skull of the animal. More deeply implanted optical fibers have been used to deliver light to deeper brain areas. Complementary to fiber-tethered approaches, completely wireless techniques have been developed utilizing wirelessly delivered power to headborne LEDs for unhindered study of complex behaviors in freely behaving vertebrates.''

5)suspended animation has arrived, long space flights to Mars anyone?
''then replaced its blood with a cold saline solution, cooling the pig’s cells to just 10 Celsius (50F). After the injury was treated, the pig was gradually warmed back up by replacing the saline with blood. Usually the pig’s heart started beating on its own, and despite the pig being dead for a few hours, there was no physical or cognitive impairment''

Please add more guys, there are many more :)

Happy New year everyone :grin::cool::smile:
Interesting times we live in and cryptocurrency is part of that development. We will see. I think of the Peter Weyland TED talk and how he envisions the future.