Budget System Proposal "Saving(s) Accounts"


New member
What if instead of creating irrevocable contracts to solve the issue of funding projects month to month, we set up savings accounts for project proposals and when we hit the target savings amount specified to fund the proposal in its full amount, they get automatically released for spending. While growth would probably be slowed somewhat, I think it could be a far more natural and sound economic model that keeps dash from almost having to take out loans on itself from future block rewards.

So in the case of the PR proposal that got defunded, the situation would go about as such in the future:
-Proposal is submitted to the network: A 3 month contract with XYZ PR
-But wait, the amount we'll need for this contract exceeds what the budget allows for this month
-Instead of paying month to month, now we save month to month into an account until we can pay for the 3 month contract in full
-Once the target amount is reached, the funds are then made "available" for spending​

To further the concept, should XYZ PR hypothetically go under while saving, masternodes could elect to reallocate current savings to another account or perhaps a general savings account. Perhaps with a general savings account certain projects could be funded faster because we already have dash liquid and ready.

What are your thoughts??
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