Budget Proposals Needs Trees


Well-known member
Masternode Owner/Operator
It seems both The Daily Decrypt proposal and the Transform PR proposal have a common enemy; the dash public awareness proposal. Some people, including myself, are wondering why they should vote for public awareness and the more targeted awareness proposals.

I think we're starting to see a greater need for breakdowns and justifications. I think some kind of hierarchical tree structure is needed, so we can vote off the various components and stages of a proposal.
I think the real question is what are the "public awareness" funds being used for? I think it was originally for ads and more professionally produced videos but we haven't made any, and the purpose was a bit loose. What is the plan? I suspect the core team are using those funds for something like a video or two, but the process takes such a long time, that with Evolution coming out, they may have had to start from scratch again. I'm not a part of that team so I don't know but I suspect this is the case.

We need a bit of an update please :) We need to know the original proposal is being worked on and the funds properly used. Thanks :)
It seems to be the way things are going here too, budgets proposed within categories like promotion and development. That could work out interesting but it could have a few pitfalls as well, things like lots of work put into developing a project but delays promoting and a natural progression would be committees to oversee the catagories which opens the door to all kinds of problems.

Imo its not a problem at the mo and I'd rather downvote the general budgets in favour of individual budgets over making any hasty changes to a system that's still only really taking it's firs steps, there's an improvement path emerging but its direction isn't quite clear yet.
It seems to be the way things are going here too, budgets proposed within categories like promotion and development. That could work out interesting but it could have a few pitfalls as well, things like lots of work put into developing a project but delays promoting and a natural progression would be committees to oversee the catagories which opens the door to all kinds of problems.

Imo its not a problem at the mo and I'd rather downvote the general budgets in favour of individual budgets over making any hasty changes to a system that's still only really taking it's firs steps, there's an improvement path emerging but its direction isn't quite clear yet.

I'd like to know those suggested improvement paths
As far as I know there's been nothing from the devs but several users have come up with suggestions along similar lines to your OP. It needs more though, I'd thought along similar lines but it would compartmentalising them, on one hand it'd prevent budgets that don't fit in with an aspect of Dash but on the other it'd mean separate proposals for ones that fall into multiple categories and could limit the quirky and oddball stuff that could work out truly innovative. At some stage someone will come up with something that just makes sense, an obvious right solution but I don't think we can really see the shape of the problem yet to see clearly what shape solution fits it, discussion is certainly a step towards that though.
While I'm here, I also want to say, I'd like to see the "monthly amount" for each proposal placed on the main payment information screen, 'cause at the moment you have to click through to see it.
I like to think that those "Public Awareness" funds are being hoarded for something huge and so awesome that we our jaws will drop all the way to the Earth's core. :) Get ready for half-time Super bowl commercial or Champions League finals.

I can already see, Ronaldo running with a ball across the football field, suddenly jumps on the side, sits in front of the computer and while slowly rising his thumb up says something along these lines: "I already got my DASH, how about you? than he gets up and scores a goal.
I like to think that those "Public Awareness" funds are being hoarded for something huge and so awesome that we our jaws will drop all the way to the Earth's core. :) Get ready for half-time Super bowl commercial or Champions League finals.

I can already see, Ronaldo running with a ball across the football field, suddenly jumps on the side, sits in front of the computer and while slowly rising his thumb up says something along these lines: "I already got my DASH, how about you? than he gets up and scores a goal.

Who's currency is this? Russell Wilson's currency.
This public awareness proposal is now competing against proposals it should be including. The Transform PR proposal is now using funds from the public awareness proposal This is not acceptable. We need to vote out both the transform PR and public awareness. Resubmit the Transform PR without hiding $10K in the public awareness proposal. The public awareness needs to be dissolved. Everything that should be included is an additional proposal now anyway, conferences, daily decrypt, etc. Masternodes should be determining which marketing proposals should go forward, not by proxy group with no visibility. The public awareness has 8 years left, we can't wait it out. Just vote no.

To be fair, I would totally be on board with public awareness if it showed some visibility where funds were spent and the future spending estimates. Right now it is a gray mess. Without clarity, I assume, as we all should, that funds are wasted.
Yes. If there was a hierarchical structure, the "Public Awareness" title would sit above "The Daily Decrypt" and "Transform PR" proposals. In it's simplest form, I can't see how it would be controversial. Later, we could add dependencies; "Proposal A must reach targets X, Y, Z before Proposal B takes effect". This would also allow at-a-glance totals and sub-totals.
Yes. If there was a hierarchical structure, the "Public Awareness" title would sit above "The Daily Decrypt" and "Transform PR" proposals. In it's simplest form, I can't see how it would be controversial. Later, we could add dependencies; "Proposal A must reach targets X, Y, Z before Proposal B takes effect". This would also allow at-a-glance totals and sub-totals.

This is just too complicated. The voting system does all that for us. Split up the proposals, best ones get the most votes and get done first. Then it rolls to the next cycle and if no new proposals best of the old ones get done.

We are not voting for a president of dash that decides the best publicity awareness proposals for us.
At least we learn something from that.
Next time those budget with very long period would be better to split into Part 1,2,3.... etc
So that people can evaluate how effective it is in a shorter period of time.