Bitcoin fork and bitcoin cash and any impact on Dash


New member
In that I generally have to first own bitcoin in order to trade for DASH, I hope this topic is ok...I suspect others may have similar questions. First, I am new to cryptos and way behind on the learning curve. But, everything I have figured out tells me that crypto is the future. I also get that bitcoin has reached a point where it is laggy...I see that in my transactions. I understand that there are those who are looking for ways to breathe new life into BTC...hence the fork occurring on Aug 1. I also understand that others are not in favor of this fork. So, as best as I can tell, some are participating, others not (I guess this applies to both exchanges and wallets). I have some BTC on the Kraken exchange, and some in my Jaxx wallet. The former is participating...the latter is not (at least at this time as best as I can tell. My Jaxx wallet is also where I keep my Dash).

Anyway, Kraken tells me that I will be issued (I think they call it "credited") 1 bitcoin cash for each bitcoin I hold. It doesn't sound as if my bitcoin will be devalued simply because of being issued the bitcoin cash...but not to say the market might be very volatile (for the good or bad??), and that this could affect the value of my bitcoin.

But, what then happens with the bitcoin I hold in my Jaxx wallet. Will those have bitcoin cash issued simply by virtue of their being "bitcoins" and that the bitcoin cash would then "show up" were I to later transfer those bitcoins to, say, Kraken. In other words, will there be a ledger that will somehow know that bitcoins held on Kraken, have already had their associated bitcoin cash "cashed out" so to speak, whereas the bitcoins on Jaxx have not yet been "cashed out". In that no one knows what will become of bitcoin cash (...will it succeed/survive?)? If it does survive and gain strength and value, would it not be smart to shift ones bitcoins at least temporarily to an exchange that IS participating, prior to the fork, so as to at least take advantage of the fork and subsequent issuance of the bitcoin cash???

Anyway, for those who are more savvy that I am, please explain the upcoming fork and how it could impact those of use who have bitcoin...and if this might bode well or ill for Dash.
That question's kind of political, an argument that's become polarised out of all proportion really and any viewpoint will align with part of it whether it's polarised or not. So... if you're looking for speculative profits then get all the BHC or BCC or whatever it's called you can get your hands on and sell it ASAP... for Dash ofc :D

That's what's happening to the markets at the mo, everyone's getting all the BTC they can so they can get all the BCC duplicates they can to get as rich as they can. What happens after will be the interesting part, BCC should be a dead duck as soon as it takes wing and if it's not then someone is willing to pay a hell of a lot of money to split up Bitcoin. My best guess is that's exactly what will happen, BCC will prove incredibly resilient to all the selling and hold up long enough to become a permanent fixture at the top of the charts, just like a couple of other coins best left unmentioned.

How will that effect Dash? Not a whole lot regardless of which way it goes, Dash is 100% utility and balls to what exchange or mining pool is supporting what version, politics gets sorted out at the governance level before it gets turned into drama. Short term it will shake up markets but long term there's nothing I know of that can compete with the Dash roadmap, "digital cash" is about what it can do, not who shouts loudest ;)