Anybody ???



Anybody want to LOAN me 270DASH
I have $1500 waiting to go into the Gemini Exchange this coming week
Only $500 per day can be deposited

I have a guy coming over today that is going to allow me to use his IP addy for a new MN on a Pi2b :-D
He's a newbie and only knows/thinks DASH is some kind of Bank-thing
I have a HUGE presentation for him so that he gets a FULL understanding of what DASH really is
It would be so much easier to get everything done today - MN installed and what not....
- if not, it would have to be next Sunday - ugh

I will be able to pay you back by this coming Friday, maybe sooner, for the full 270DASH - PROMISE!!
[as long as DASH stays under $5 - ugh - lol]

If you wish to be the kind-soul to prove said loan
- - Hit me on PM for DASH addy

*** if Sunday 9PM EST (east coast time USA) has past - it only means that this request has expired ***

I thank you in advance :-D

edited expiration time
was 8 - now 9
Last edited:
I would if I had it, but mine are all tied up in MN's - I suggest you ask OTOH. I've had no problems when dealing with him.
I would if I had it, but mine are all tied up in MN's - I suggest you ask OTOH. I've had no problems when dealing with him.

He was actually the first person I thought of.
I don't go to BTCtalk anymore - and not really seen him around here much.....
Maybe you could post this on BTCtalk??
[just a thought]

thx :-D
Yep MB, can do np, let me know where to send, many thanks

You're the BEST man :-D


Please give me a return addy also.......

[good to do it publicly - lol]

I have to run out for about an hour....

Let me know when sent - I'll respond when I get back - thx again