Why do you think like that? What should we do to use the budget more effective in your opinion?
The article you have linked is very focused on the market capitalizations and the coin price. Please remember that our goal is to create the best product in the payments industry (and beat PayPal and Venmo), not to have the most expensive coin on the market. These are very different goals.
I would recommend to read this article carefully:
Hello. I'm sorry for the delay. Holidays.
There are points in the article that I disagree with.
I totally agree, with the vision of: Dash product. I had already read Ryan's post.
I have ideas, for when Evolution appears, to extend Dash in my country.
But now the ideas to grow Dash, is to create synergies with the real world.
The real world does not revolve around social networks.
Initiatives or proposals like these are what we need:
For these initiatives, there is a barrier, and is to change currency FIAT (usd, euro, etc.) to Dash.
We should focus more funds to interact with payment systems, from FIAT to Dash.
We should not rely on the few exchanges, which change to fiat directly, requesting highs in their systems and service agreements.
We have the financial capacity to do it, with the treasure, let's use this.
Credit card is the fastest entry system to buy Dash, and we do not have agreements to do this cheaply and quickly.
On the other hand, and I think very important.
There is the issue of fee. To be the most competitive in crypto-world and in established payment systems, (our competition) Dash users, they always have to associate Dash = cheap.
Within the profitability.
And I understand that you are working on it, since if the dash / fiat price goes up, the fee goes up.
I think Core should try to extend these 2 points as top priority for our users to associate:
Dash = product = cheap
Thank you