A chat group Dash guy ‘lost’ xxx Dash on a coinomi wallet ?!


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A chat group Dash guy ‘lost’ xxx Dash on a coinomi wallet.

coinomi app wallet / Android app that supports dash and other crypto.

He said:
“I looked on one of the dash chain sites and saw the coins haven not moved.
I already got a reply from them that was less than helpful.
I was thinking if the desktop program supports word seed i can restore and sweep my coins real fast.This doesn't feel good.”

anybody got a tip for him about this
Never used that app but has he got a copy of the keys, PC version will not be compatible(there may be another app like you say, to bring it in)
Sounds like the app is faulty, what about use another android phone, load the same application and then the word seed key?

On the thread someone sent a small amount of DGC and got back their full balance,
''Okay, something I didn't try. But decided to give it a shot. I just sent 2200 DGC to myself with a 0 balance and now it shows up. Could be a bug they should look into perhaps?? Anyways, got my DGC balance back, so I'm a happy camper again. However. I'm moving the DGC to another client, I just think there are personally too many issues with the wallet for my liking.''
His coins reappeared !
no idea what is going on there but i would never use or recommend anything like that !
This thread is coming up in google results so I feel like I should say coinomi is sold and recommended by guys like Erik Voorhees.

Sounds like the random guy from the internet that we are hearing about second hand from a different random guy on the internet was probably clueless and confusing himself...