I think
@TaoOfSatoshi makes sense. You should run the course of this campaign and share results before asking for more dash..
I would like to see the circulation in the ecosystem. People selling it means very little for the system
This is now going in the direction of charity more than anything else, starving people will do anything to get hands on some money.
Dont mistake this for adoption. Not in favor of expanding this campaign at this moment
Short Answer:
Getfreedash is like a jet plane that is taking off, if you think it's going in a wrong direction, all you should do is a course correction, not shutting down fuel.
Pretty Long Answer:
Modern Marketing primarily works on conversions on each step of what is called is a conversion funnel.
the funnel involves three steps awareness, action and conversion.
Awareness is showing ads to people either on social media, google or on jet planes / sponsoring news anchors.
Actions are some sort of app download or sign up etc
Conversion is the goal of our whole exercise i.e a customer buying something or in case of dash using dash for transactions.
The way conversion funnel works is, if 100 folks click on your ad, 1 person sign ups or downloads an app, of 5-10 people who sign up 1 person will actually buy something.
So far millions have been spent on various types of ads and PR stunts, there are no metrics on signups or app downloads. Getfreedash is one of the very few proposals that has proper metrics on sign-ups and app downloads ( once we roll out our APP).
Now the last step of people paying with dash to buy is of interest to us , however this is completely dependent on network effect , you cant expect 100 people who download dash app to buy something at a merchant with it ,as its not worth the hassle for merchants to accept dash payments for the sake of 100 people ( in a country 30 million population) . This is the most important part, unless we have a lot of people who have signed up or downloaded a dash wallet ( in case of Venezuela that's about 500k -1 million people ) , merchants will not be motivated to accept dash payments ( the only merchants that claim to accept dash payments will be the ones that are looking for dash from us ).
Getfreedash has the biggest chance of signing up the required 500k-1million that is required to kick start the dash payment revolution at a cost that is less than 1% of signing up users in US/ Europe.
Venezuela is considered ground zero of cryptocurrency adoption and we should make sure of this opportunity completely, Getfreedash is best suited for this opportunity.
Getfreedash has lot of future plans to get partnerships with remittance players, e-commerce companies which require scale, no business wants to partner with you unless you have half a million users or more. that's how partnerships work.
Once we acquire a million users or more there are many more ideas that can be rolled out.