0x - worth the money to invest

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0x is an open protocol that facilitates the decentralized exchange of Ethereum-based tokens and assets. Developers can use 0x to build their own custom exchange apps with a wide variety of user-facing applications i.e. 0x OTC, a decentralized application that facilitates trustless over-the-counter trading of Ethereum-based tokens.
ZCash is a cryptocurrency with great privacy protections. Equihash is used as a algorithm. This is a memory-oriented Proof-of-work. How much mining you can do is mostly determined by how much RAM you have, making it unlikely for everyone to build ASICs for mining in the foreseeable future.

Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge (zk-SNARKs) is applied to make sure that all information (the sender, recipient, transaction volume) will be encrypted, making shielded transactions verified as valid under the network’s consensus rules.
Updates on my investment portfolio:
70% NEO (for 6 months)
10% ICX (ICON) (for 2 months)
10% DBC (DEEP BRAIN CHAIN) (for at least 1 month)
05% BTC (BITCOIN) (for at least 1 year)
05% ETH + LTC + ZCASH + MONERO (for at least 6 months)
Up to now, I have been quite satisfied with my choice. It's super easy to earn profits in cryptocurrency, if you can choose the potential and profitable coins.
What about you?
ZCash - A look back on 2017
2017 has been a year of many firsts for Zcash. Having launched only a couple months before the start of the year, the opportunities for growth and development were already flooding in. The foundations of a global Zcash ecosystem were being put into place by not only the Zcash Company engineers but also by businesses and individuals involved in the Zcash and greater cryptocurrency ecosystems.

For much of this year, our development team has been focused on security and stability of the Zcash network while third party developers continued to add support for Zcash to existing wallets and exchanges.
Monero (XMR) is a cryptonight algorithm based alternative crypto currency. The coin is based on Proof of Work and has a block reward that varies smoothly. The difficulty retargets every block with a sixty second block target.

Monero uses a Ring Signature system to protect your privacy, allowing users to make untraceable transactions.
I think holding OMG is the best we can do right now.
We are trying to go over $20 all day. We should get there soon but I think we will go even higher before any correction comes
DigitalCash (DASH) uses a new chained hashing algorithm approach, with many new scientific hashing algorithms for the proof-of-work. DASH aims to be the first privacy-centric cryptographic currency with fully encrypted transactions and anonymous block transactions, this feature is called PrivateSend and can be found on the official Dashcore wallet.
PrivateSend mixes your DASH coins with other users who are also using this feature at the time, making your transactions untraceable. Users can also earn DigitalCash rewards by hosting a master node to help maintain the Blockchain. One must have a balance of at least 1000 DASH in order to host a Dash master node, this collateral is required to avoid 51% attacks on the network.
IOTA is an open-source distributed ledger protocol that goes 'beyond blockchain' through its core invention of the blockless ‘Tangle’. The IOTA Tangle is a quantum-proof Directed Acyclic Graph, with no fees on transactions & no fixed limit on how many transactions can be confirmed per second in the network. Instead, throughput grows in conjunction with activity in the network; the more activity, the faster the network. Unlike blockchain architecture, IOTA has no separation between users and validators; rather, validation is an intrinsic property of using the ledger, thus avoiding centralization. IOTA is initially focused on serving as the backbone of the emerging Internet-of-Things (IoT).
A Bitcoin clone that has reached success through clever marketing. Over the past year well over a hundred new cryptocurrencies have been created but not many have instantly carved out a niche. Dogecoin has sponsored multiple high profile events such as Nascar teams and the winter olympics - even so there are few locations to use the coin - and instead it has become a de facto internet tipping currency. The coin has produced 100 billion units by the end of 2014 and is now producing roughly 5 billion units per year.
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