Well-known member
While working on an article on Darkcoin for the Russian news site I have accumulated a lot of materials. The article could not fit most of it, so I would like to share it with you. So, IMHO:
Hello everyone! I am Alex. In 2014, I considered investing some of my funds, including financing some high risk long-term projects. The global instability makes assets which are the least affected by negative factors (such as wars, sanctions, seizures, inflation, legislative restrictions, etc.) especially attractive. From this standpoint, the cryptocurrency projects look very strong – not only they are adapted for functioning in “problematic conditions”, but they are specially being created for them. In addition, in my view, the cryptocurrency projects are the most promising direction of modernization of the world of finance. The theme is marketable and relevant.
Since I was risking an amount significant for me, I decided to go beyond the traditional approach "Just believe into Bitcoin and don't think about anything else". First, I even considered a possibility of launching a cryptocurrency project of my own (but having rationally assessed all the details, I dumped this idea). Armed with some knowledge of English, I immersed in an evaluation of the world of the Bitcoin and the diverse world of Altcoins.
I could write at length about my wonderful discoveries in a reign “of evangelists”, “engineers”, “heretics”, “scammers”, “unrecognized geniuses”, “do-it-yourselfers”, and other naive, as well as malicious “creators” and "investors”. I will not burden you with all details, I will only say that, based on the results of my research, I got interested in a Darkcoin project.
The reason being, I have some real business experience and I know that a successful project takes more than just a good idea, just a great desire, just a bunch of expert programmers, just a bunch of persuasive PR managers, just a bunch of reliable investors, etc. It takes all of these together at once and in ideal proportions and under the leadership of a good (desirably, talented) strategist. Only then everything comes through, develops and lives long and happily everafter. Darkcoin seemed to me the almost only project meeting all these requirements.
If no force-majeure happens, I can easily imagine its future in a year, two years, five years. I do not have such confidence even in Bitcoin. Yes, right now the Bitcoin project looks "good", but its prospects are… to significant extent unclear.
So what differentiates Darkcoin from hundreds of other cryptocurrencies? One can write a fat book about it and then discuss it for a week (because the project has some controversial features). You can explore all details on your own - there is a plenty of information in the Internet in English. To encourage you to explore, let me describe in brief some key features of Darkcoin cryptocurrency that makes it attractive to me as an investor.
1. An ideological aspect
Having launched in the beginning of 2014, Darkcoin appeared as the first coin aiming to become not just “the best cryptocurrency”, but, first of all, the best in terms of providing real (not a pseudo one that Bitcoin has) privacy and anonymity of payments. Soon, this topic turned out to be very relevant and marketable.
As a proof of this trend, a whole wave of projects – clones announcing anonymous payments – appeared soon: someone copied parts of the Darkcoin concept, someone “stole” a part of the name.
Some “competitive” projects went the path of an open fraud: they spiced raw and purely theoretical alternative concepts with powerful marketing and PR and “fed” their coins to blinkered “investors”. At the same time, they did not think about complications (or even about impossibility) of practical realization of their “boondoggles”, about prospects of use of their “homemade creation” by ordinary users. The majority of those “clones” have already died or are in an “unconscious” stage.
But the greatest danger for Darkcoin lay not in the clone coins, but in that its concept would be borrowed by the great Bitcoin itself. Fortunately, the last year showed that Bitcoin (as it did before) advances not towards the provision of anonymity and development of technologies to protect user's privacy, but just in the opposite direction. The attempts to comply with government regulation infringe on the interests of ordinary users. This is being noted by many disappointed bitcoin – enthusiasts of the first wave. It is the former supporters of the Bitcoin who have become the core of the emergent Darkcoin community. As one of the bitcoin-pioneers stated: "Darkcoin is what Bitcoin should have been."
A whole bunch of various financial startups seeking to offer an alternative to traditional banking was launched in the world during the last couple of years. And Bitcoin which is trying «to satisfy the governments» will be forced to compete on equal terms against them. And, if one takes into consideration that almost all the governments would take it easy should Bitcoin simply disappear, this competition can be a killer one for Bitcoin.
Darkcoin does not attempt to adapt to any state regulation and place itself into the niche of real anonymity where the "official financial boondoggles" would not go because of political considerations. As a result, it will be easy for Darkcoin to subject to itself the entire niche of «alternative money» and Bitcoin, alas, in the long-term has all chances to «hang up» in the state of "neither fish nor flesh".
Of course, a number of governments will not like the Darkcoin's ambitions and plans to "become an alternative anonymous currency", which means the project has not only vast prospects, but some risks as well. But, at least, Darkcoin clearly positions itself and it is clear what it takes risks for. Alas, this can not now be said about Bitcoin, which success is unclear even if it successfully implements all its plans. This is a known problem: "The insufficiently ambitious plans rid you of risks, but do not allow to achieve good results."
Therefore, the ideological aspect is very important.
Hello everyone! I am Alex. In 2014, I considered investing some of my funds, including financing some high risk long-term projects. The global instability makes assets which are the least affected by negative factors (such as wars, sanctions, seizures, inflation, legislative restrictions, etc.) especially attractive. From this standpoint, the cryptocurrency projects look very strong – not only they are adapted for functioning in “problematic conditions”, but they are specially being created for them. In addition, in my view, the cryptocurrency projects are the most promising direction of modernization of the world of finance. The theme is marketable and relevant.
Since I was risking an amount significant for me, I decided to go beyond the traditional approach "Just believe into Bitcoin and don't think about anything else". First, I even considered a possibility of launching a cryptocurrency project of my own (but having rationally assessed all the details, I dumped this idea). Armed with some knowledge of English, I immersed in an evaluation of the world of the Bitcoin and the diverse world of Altcoins.
I could write at length about my wonderful discoveries in a reign “of evangelists”, “engineers”, “heretics”, “scammers”, “unrecognized geniuses”, “do-it-yourselfers”, and other naive, as well as malicious “creators” and "investors”. I will not burden you with all details, I will only say that, based on the results of my research, I got interested in a Darkcoin project.
The reason being, I have some real business experience and I know that a successful project takes more than just a good idea, just a great desire, just a bunch of expert programmers, just a bunch of persuasive PR managers, just a bunch of reliable investors, etc. It takes all of these together at once and in ideal proportions and under the leadership of a good (desirably, talented) strategist. Only then everything comes through, develops and lives long and happily everafter. Darkcoin seemed to me the almost only project meeting all these requirements.
If no force-majeure happens, I can easily imagine its future in a year, two years, five years. I do not have such confidence even in Bitcoin. Yes, right now the Bitcoin project looks "good", but its prospects are… to significant extent unclear.
So what differentiates Darkcoin from hundreds of other cryptocurrencies? One can write a fat book about it and then discuss it for a week (because the project has some controversial features). You can explore all details on your own - there is a plenty of information in the Internet in English. To encourage you to explore, let me describe in brief some key features of Darkcoin cryptocurrency that makes it attractive to me as an investor.

1. An ideological aspect
Having launched in the beginning of 2014, Darkcoin appeared as the first coin aiming to become not just “the best cryptocurrency”, but, first of all, the best in terms of providing real (not a pseudo one that Bitcoin has) privacy and anonymity of payments. Soon, this topic turned out to be very relevant and marketable.
As a proof of this trend, a whole wave of projects – clones announcing anonymous payments – appeared soon: someone copied parts of the Darkcoin concept, someone “stole” a part of the name.
But the greatest danger for Darkcoin lay not in the clone coins, but in that its concept would be borrowed by the great Bitcoin itself. Fortunately, the last year showed that Bitcoin (as it did before) advances not towards the provision of anonymity and development of technologies to protect user's privacy, but just in the opposite direction. The attempts to comply with government regulation infringe on the interests of ordinary users. This is being noted by many disappointed bitcoin – enthusiasts of the first wave. It is the former supporters of the Bitcoin who have become the core of the emergent Darkcoin community. As one of the bitcoin-pioneers stated: "Darkcoin is what Bitcoin should have been."
A whole bunch of various financial startups seeking to offer an alternative to traditional banking was launched in the world during the last couple of years. And Bitcoin which is trying «to satisfy the governments» will be forced to compete on equal terms against them. And, if one takes into consideration that almost all the governments would take it easy should Bitcoin simply disappear, this competition can be a killer one for Bitcoin.
Darkcoin does not attempt to adapt to any state regulation and place itself into the niche of real anonymity where the "official financial boondoggles" would not go because of political considerations. As a result, it will be easy for Darkcoin to subject to itself the entire niche of «alternative money» and Bitcoin, alas, in the long-term has all chances to «hang up» in the state of "neither fish nor flesh".
Of course, a number of governments will not like the Darkcoin's ambitions and plans to "become an alternative anonymous currency", which means the project has not only vast prospects, but some risks as well. But, at least, Darkcoin clearly positions itself and it is clear what it takes risks for. Alas, this can not now be said about Bitcoin, which success is unclear even if it successfully implements all its plans. This is a known problem: "The insufficiently ambitious plans rid you of risks, but do not allow to achieve good results."
Therefore, the ideological aspect is very important.
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