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  1. serversGuru

    Servers.Guru | Anonymous VPS and webhosting with Dash!

    Where do you see those plans / pricing ? Or is it a suggestion ? right now we have: 4x xeon 8GB 80GB for €14.99/mo
  2. serversGuru

    Servers.Guru | Anonymous VPS and webhosting with Dash!

    we cannot offer both high ram and high disk space for the same price, but we can definitely explore some options to offer some plan suited to hosting different crypto node. That is actually something that we are meant to look into since a while :)
  3. serversGuru

    Servers.Guru | Anonymous VPS and webhosting with Dash!

    The vast majority of our customer are not hosting node. But yeah we could do some plans with more drive and less ram, i will check what is possible :)
  4. serversGuru

    Servers.Guru | Anonymous VPS and webhosting with Dash!

    It depend on use case, most people don't need huge drives and if needs be we over extra volume :)
  5. serversGuru

    Servers.Guru | Anonymous VPS and webhosting with Dash!

    Hello everyone, I am posting here as i saw that we already have some of you guys using our services, and i figured we could introduce ourselves :) We are Servers.Guru, a provider of anonymous hosting. We offer cheap, privacy friendly and reliable servers. We offer VPS starting at 🔥 € 4.99/m...