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  1. T

    [Pre-Proposal] Introduction and Dash Giveaway to New Users

    I fear I might be feeding a troll. But I'll address your two points for the sake of completeness. 1. I still like InstantSend. If it has a bug, I hope it is fixed quickly. 2. I like the governance model in Dash. At the time I wrote the article, governance was not as important. The...
  2. T

    [Pre-Proposal] Introduction and Dash Giveaway to New Users

    Thank you for the encouragement.
  3. T

    [Pre-Proposal] Introduction and Dash Giveaway to New Users

    I've been giving away Bitcoin for years to introduce people to the speed and ease of making peer-to-peer payments. I've recently become frustrated by the high Bitcoin network fees. I'd frequently give away $5 of my own Bitcoin to introduce the cryptocurrency, but at times the fees were so...
  4. T

    Dash Accepted at Overstock

    Through the magic of ShapeShift and its direct integration into the checkout, you can now buy items on Overstock with Dash.
  5. T

    [Pre-Proposal] The Dash Hardware Wallet

    I would vote yes for this. I would be even more likely to vote for adding support for Dash into each of the other hardware wallets (just software/firmware updates) for Trezor, and KeepKey. Ledger already supports Dash.
  6. T

    Pre Proposal: DASH to Sponsor Anarchapulco 2018?

    As a masternode, I would vote for this proposal.
  7. T

    DarkCoin - Accounting / Notifications

    Support for DarkCoin has been added to CoinCPA. Track the value of your DarkCoin and get notified daily - or when the value changes up/down by % or fixed amount.