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  1. B

    Dash Core v21.0.0 Release Announcement

    FYI - The link to "announcement" is wrong…
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    Masternode Docker

    I don't know… so I write ;-) But have you actually tried building your own image? I might be totally wrong for some reasons but I wonder what prevents taking one of the official GNU/Linux bases and adding all the dash stuff you'd have to add to a non-containerised masternode installation from...
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    Dash Core v20.1.0 Release Announcement

    Might this be something similar/the same/regression as my old problem:
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    iOS Wallet Support

    Doing full-resync (didn't try the recommended "transactions only") had in fact helped. Thank you! P. S. The percentages did their usual pastime of jumping back'n forth during resync - FYI
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    iOS Wallet Support

    Yes, absolutely - done. BTW - when doing this, the synchronisation stays at 99.0% for hours now
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    iOS Wallet Support

    Howdy! Running iOS wallet on an iPhone SE. There were always problems with synchronisation percentages jumping back and forth and eventually getting stuck at some level. But it usually was enough to kill/restart the application once or twice and it used to eventually synchronise. Now, with the...
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    Dash Core v18.0.1 Released

    BTW - were the mobile applications updated recently too? Where is it best to talk about them?
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    Dash Core v18.0.1 Released

    I kept monitoring it and adding swap on-the-go. It eventually synchronised but I ended up with 16GiB of swap, out of which close to 12GiB was used. The last 4GiB I added once swap usage approached 11GiB was not touched. Anyway that's not "correct" by any means ;-) BTW - I noticed quite a bit of...
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    Dash Core v18.0.1 Released

    After updating MN to 18.0.1 it got PoSe Banned. Checking the logs showed "possible database corruption". So I wiped it out and began resyncing. After two days it still wasn't resynced so I started checking deeper. What I found eventually out is that the CPU usage is not really an issue but...