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  1. C

    New Threats for Dash - Swish and the like

    < Excellent SWOT analysis of Bitcoin but has parallel to Dash. In a nutshell this video explains how the edge in payment focused cryptos of cheap free and fast p2p and p2b payments is being eroded by the introduction of bank apps that do exactly this. 99% of the people do not case about the...
  2. C

    Why Dash will not be in the top 10?

    Yocko, Bitcoin does have similar functionalities to the ones you mentioned above, some of which could scale better than the bigger blocks (but that is another discussion) Instant transactions - Private transactions -...
  3. C

    Dash MNs know what they need, why not ask for it? Instead of waiting for the right proposal

    Should evolution be issued first though so the APIs are ready?
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    Why Dash will not be in the top 10?

    I appreciate your engagement with my comments and believe I am here to learn. Let me put your analogy in the context of the current cryptocurrency market There is Dash which is still a teenager, then there is Bitcoin which is a middle-aged man and then there is syscoin which is also a teenager...
  5. C

    Dash MNs know what they need, why not ask for it? Instead of waiting for the right proposal

    Hey lets get organised! How would this process look like if it was easy?
  6. C

    Why Dash will not be in the top 10?

    Your argument is that the functionality should be kept to a minimum in order to reduce the attack surface is a point Of course, the cost of reducing functionality is growth and the risk of allowing other platforms have first mover advantage in the niches I mentioned above thus with time losing...
  7. C

    Why Dash will not be in the top 10?

    Let's assume Dash builds a smart contract or side chain system which could offer developers a possibility to finance and develop applications. That would bring in special projects such as: Peer to peer lending (Lendoit ETH Lending) Mortgage Lending (VaultBank) Fractioanlisation of Assets (La...
  8. C

    Why Dash will not be in the top 10?

    Yes I already saw this in full. The top 10 excluding (BTC, LTC, BCash and Ripple) allow developers to both finance and develop applications using their tools. One may argue about the long-term viability of ICOs but the market clearly is telling us that this is something of value, at least the...
  9. C

    Why Dash will not be in the top 10?

    The only part of Evolution which seems like a platform is the creation of a marketplace (and details on this I could not find) Are there any others?
  10. C

    Why Dash will not be in the top 10?

    Came across this ... "The trend indicates that to be in the top 10, a crypto project needs to be a platform rather than a one trick pony." Ok, I think calling Dash a one trick pony is a little bit too harsh, on the other hand, platforms...
  11. C

    Dash MNs know what they need, why not ask for it? Instead of waiting for the right proposal

    The current proposal system works in a push fashion. Proposals come in and in turn MNs accept or reject them. Most of them are advertising focused or taken up by the Dash Core team. Now why not create proposals requests and then have organisations bid for them? Who creates these proposals...
  12. C

    Impact of Evolution on current Dash masternodes owners, Price and Governance

    I see you have been quite vocal about this through the forum, if you think Dash is so bad why not invest your energy in other more profitable ventures instead of Fudding and trolling?
  13. C

    Impact of Evolution on current Dash masternodes owners, Price and Governance

    Point 1: I think today a masternode owner can switch service providers or create his own with Dash Evolution this will work differently Point 2: Users are hungry for yield and will deposit funds to earn a return this will create more masternodes at least more than we have today - difficult to...
  14. C

    Impact of Evolution on current Dash masternodes owners, Price and Governance

    It seems that evolution will allow users to set a sum aside as a interest earning deposit, the ideas is that these deposits will be used as collateral for masternodes. If Evolution becomes widespread I see this as having 2 challenges. 1. Centralisation of masternode services. As the users will...
  15. C

    Bigger blocks = The right path?

    This is a one hour long discussion about how the path of Bitcoin Cash with bigger blocks is erroneous. The basic premise is that the hard disk requirements for this type of upgrade will become humongous as the block size grows. This reasoning applies to Dash correct? Once bigger and bogger...
  16. C

    Dash an analysis of its true potential and future ...
  17. C

    Help me improve my review of Dash

    I am looking for good Dash reviews can you point me in the right direction
  18. C

    WTB Dash Article needed, payment in Dash

    Do you know of any good Dash articles
  19. C

    Wings a threat to Dash?

    Wings is the Seeders /IndieGoGo or Kickstarter of DAOs it will provide a platform to manage new DAOs, voting on proposals, liquid democracy. One of the powers of Dash over other currencies is it's decentralised management. While many have trumpeted Zcash as an enemy of Dash pay, I believe that...