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  1. L

    12.1 Testnet Testing Phase Two Ignition

    guys, is there some restrictions for a proposal submission time? I've heard that in v12.0 there is a rule that a proposal can be submitted no later than 3 days before payment. But I can't find any proof of this in the code neither for v12.0 nor for v12.1. Is this rule implemented in the code?
  2. L

    12.1 Testnet Testing Phase Two Ignition

    Is that true? In this case at some point in the future a lot of votes will be invalid because definitely the list of MNs is changed with time. And corresponding proposals, budgets, blocks also would be invalid?
  3. L

    12.1 Testnet Testing Phase Two Ignition

    Guys what if MN take back its collateral tx so it is no more a valid masternode. Do the votes for proposals from this masternode remain valid? Seems like yes (the vote is checked only when it is processed first time, but once it is added to the internal pool it is valid for the rest of time). Is...
  4. L

    12.1 Testnet Testing Phase Two Ignition

    MN list reconstruction relies on info not from the blockchain? Why? Doesn't that lead to a possible attacks? How the past finalized budgets can be ignored if they are used to validate superblocks? I mean next situation: There are 2 finalized budget F1 and F2. Amount of votes for F1 is bigger...
  5. L

    12.1 Testnet Testing Phase Two Ignition

    Actually regular masternode payment can be easily validated based on info from the previous blocks. But with superblock there is different situation: What if after a superblock was created someone issues additional votes for another finalized budget so it becomes the most voted (for the past...
  6. L

    12.1 Testnet Testing Phase Two Ignition

    can you please answer on this question: how the superblock can be validated (in terms of checking the correct value of coinbase transaction)? I had a quick look through the code and it seems to me that the node can verify the superblock only if it has a corresponding finalized budget in the...
  7. L

    12.1 Testnet Testing Phase Two Ignition

    ok, thanks, I see it now But have another question: how the superblock can be validated (in terms of checking the correct value of coinbase transaction)? I had a quick look through the code and it seems to me that the node can verify the superblock only if it has a corresponding finalized...
  8. L

    12.1 Testnet Testing Phase Two Ignition

    One more question, now regarding voting procedure: from this code it follows that the votes which are older than 1 hour (according to timestamps) are invalid But what about synchronization of votes? How this code would...
  9. L

    12.1 Testnet Testing Phase Two Ignition

    ok, it is clear now, thanks! Have one more question: am I understood correctly that the Governance system isn't fully implemented for now? Especially I'm interested in VoteSignals. There are 4 types of them: VOTE_SIGNAL_FUNDING, VOTE_SIGNAL_VALID, VOTE_SIGNAL_DELETE, VOTE_SIGNAL_ENDORSED. So am...
  10. L

    12.1 Testnet Testing Phase Two Ignition

    Thanks for a reply! But I still don't understand There are two maps for holding votes in governance manager: mapVotesByType[nTypeHash] = vote; - I agree that this one will rewrite the old vote (according to your link...
  11. L

    12.1 Testnet Testing Phase Two Ignition

    that doesn't come from the code... The vote is added as long as its timestamp > old_vote_timestamp + 60*60. And the old vote isn't removed. And they are both counted.
  12. L

    12.1 Testnet Testing Phase Two Ignition

    Now I'm reviewing the code of the Governance system in v.0.12.1 and I'm confused about one thing: from the code it follows that a masternode can vote an indefinite amount of times for the same project proposal (there is only restriction 1 vote per hour). So we have a situation when a masternode...