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  1. vampyren

    Pre-Proposal: DASH Peru - Pilot event and creation of the comunity

    Hello @Jorge Saez and welcome back to the project. Firstly i like to say this is great to see more people want to work with Dash and help spread the word. WE do need all the help we can get with marketing and expanding the community! With that said, i have also been around and seen many such...
  2. vampyren

    Evolution v1.4.0 Release!

    Thanks for the detail info mate!
  3. vampyren

    Evolution v1.4.0 Release!

    Just to be sure, we can't still withdraw right? we are waiting for a "app" or something to be released for eMN withdrawal? If not please help us noobs on how we can achieve this.
  4. vampyren

    Docker log files : verify size and optionally truncate to 0 bytes

    Awesome, thanks allot for the script. Cleaned some huge logs.
  5. vampyren

    Platform v1.2.0 released, please update Dashmate ASAP

    Awesome guide as usual!
  6. vampyren

    Would like some support with new Youtube Content -

    Love your videos! Keep up the great work man! Would be great if someone from the team could join and talk about EVO and maybe dapps we work on...
  7. vampyren

    Dash's Path Back to the Top

    @Dans I agree with allot of your points! I was very vocal about our spending and the deliveries or rather lack of deliveries, the delays, the way of working for DCG and so on. So i don't paint a perfect picture of things happening. I know for sure things can and should be better. For this i...
  8. vampyren

    Dash's Path Back to the Top

    That plus we are not part of the party + no cake for us! Just so we are talking about the same thing, Bridge is not the same as pair trading. Moving from one chain to another through say is not what i'm asking. Swapping using liquidity is something else. The rules...
  9. vampyren

    Dash's Path Back to the Top

    And that's the reason we try to advocate for other solutions like Lelantus or even MW .....each have their own pro and cons. And i'm not the right person to say which is "best". All i ask is to look into the alternative and select something that has a future. Not just do a patch and quick fix...
  10. vampyren

    Dash's Path Back to the Top

    Just have a look at the image from defilama: What does that tell you? And ofc we need to aim for adding native Dash network if we ever get stablecoin. Otherwise what's the point! You say yourself our chain is superior so let's use it! I don't want to use...
  11. vampyren

    Dash's Path Back to the Top

    I'm not quite sure how adding support for other chains in our wallet would directly benefit Dash. Perhaps I didn't explain my point clearly enough. What I'm advocating for is having a stablecoin on our chain, similar to what Solana offers. If we could implement smart contracts similar to...
  12. vampyren

    Dash's Path Back to the Top

    Here's a refined version of your text: The main reason for integrating a stablecoin is to meet the needs of our users and customers. Personally, I use stablecoins frequently, often opting for Solana. I'd much rather use Dash if it had a stablecoin option. By not offering a stablecoin, we're...
  13. vampyren

    Dash's Path Back to the Top

    Firstly, great post! You've shared many valuable ideas and proposals. For the most part, I really appreciate what you've outlined—I'd say I agree with about 90% of it. If we're serious about competing or at least staying relevant, we absolutely need to prioritize the following: A stablecoin...
  14. vampyren

    Dash Core v21.1.0 Release Announcement

    Seems you need to update node.js first to version 20+. Do these steps and then it works. 1) curl -o- | bash 2) export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")" [...
  15. vampyren

    Dash Core v21.1.0 Release Announcement

    Runnig npm install -g dashmate gave the first errors. Then i used sudo and got less errors but still erros shown in second image. Any ideas?
  16. vampyren

    Dash Core v21.1.0 Release Announcement

    Thank you for this guide!
  17. vampyren

    Should a Dash-PIVX merger be explored?

    Yeah the EVO is a huge milestone and that alone could put this in a awkward situation. Plus on both side there are people who are very very vocal and can't imagine any change to the name, brand and all of that. Still i keep hoping the teams can collaborate and help each other. Similar to Firo...
  18. vampyren

    Should a Dash-PIVX merger be explored?

    Really a shame to see this merger will not even get discussed properly. I love both projects and i think there are lots of great people on both side and each project has something unique to bring to the table. But before that people with the maxi hat need to step back and think about the...
  19. vampyren

    Utah Dash Conference 2023

    Sadly living in Europe with heavy work and kids + having already planned a trip to spain mid Sep this will not fly with wife and RL. I can help with anything i can do remote. I will for sure watch and follow too if its broadcasted. With we could do these things in Europe so it can be some...
  20. vampyren

    Miner reallocation2 / DAO refill

    In a way if we get to the point of no money in the treasury it will be like we are a startup and everyone who sees value in the project need to put on the big boys pants and help out. Or we simply go down with the ship. Is that what we want? You know the answer for me, i don't so i help with...