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  1. thelonecrouton

    V12 Release

    Updated my servers to v45, although one of them crashed twice during the reindex, but weirdly can't get my local wallet (either qt or daemon) to sync past block 278961, tried multiple times. Will retry with v46. (all linux 64) edit: v46 looking better.
  2. thelonecrouton

    New Masternode share - 9 partners wanted, 100DRK each, 1 month renewable agreement...

    Payday - 18.57724582 - 2 server costs = 16.57724582 / 10 = 1.65772458 per share. Dividends sent to usual addresses. :smile:
  3. thelonecrouton

    Development Update - June 2, 2015

    The multisig account was not the pork barrel, it was just an additional risk. The pork barrel is alive and well, as any proposal with a single vote could still get into the funding queue if the 10% total budget is otherwise unallocated. There's no minimum approval threshold at all, just more...
  4. thelonecrouton

    New Masternode share - 9 partners wanted, 100DRK each, 1 month renewable agreement...

    Payday! (17.50438317 - 2 for server) / 10 = 1.55043831 per share, all sent to your usual addresses. :)
  5. thelonecrouton

    Vote: Self-sustainable Decentralized Governance by Blockchain

    A group of voters choosing 'No' is not an 'attack' - it's the system working. (Not addressed at you Crowning but...) I have noticed a lot of people cheer the free market, except, curiously enough, when those free market forces in action get in the way of their own agenda. Then suddenly it's a...
  6. thelonecrouton

    Vote: Self-sustainable Decentralized Governance by Blockchain

    Are you sure about this? Makes the whole thing a complete farce. Welcome to DASH's decentralised governance, where voting "No" doesn't matter! All aboard the gravy train, hurrah. :rolleyes:
  7. thelonecrouton

    New Masternode share - 9 partners wanted, 100DRK each, 1 month renewable agreement...

    Voted as per shareholder majority: stu@stu-laptop:~/.dash$ ./dashd masternode list votes | grep "" : "YEA",
  8. thelonecrouton

    Vote: Self-sustainable Decentralized Governance by Blockchain

    I don't think it would be 'earmarked' (and thus the block reward modified) in the first place. Not so much a case of never generated as never needed, never taken? At least that's how I read it - Evan was just demonstrating a within-max-budget scenario.
  9. thelonecrouton

    Vote: Self-sustainable Decentralized Governance by Blockchain

    I suggested an anti-spam fee, eg 1 DASH to submit a proposal.
  10. thelonecrouton

    Vote: Self-sustainable Decentralized Governance by Blockchain

    No pork barrel - am I dreaming? :confused: :smile:
  11. thelonecrouton

    Vote: Self-sustainable Decentralized Governance by Blockchain

    I'll try commenting out the nays in my masternode.conf, doing a vote-many yea, then reverse the comments and do a vote-many nay.
  12. thelonecrouton

    Vote: Self-sustainable Decentralized Governance by Blockchain

    That's what I suspected. It's going to be a PITA for guys who manage a lot of other peoples MNs. I suppose they will have to importprivkey each MN to a fresh yea or nay wallet for each proposal voted on, and use a yay- masternode.conf and a nay- masternode.conf unless someone can post a...
  13. thelonecrouton

    Vote: Self-sustainable Decentralized Governance by Blockchain

    Yeah I tried that, having unlocked the wallet for 60 secs, and it just spits out the help thing masternode "command"... ( "passphrase" ) Set of commands to execute masternode related actions... ...blah blah...
  14. thelonecrouton

    Vote: Self-sustainable Decentralized Governance by Blockchain

    If I manage a bunch of MNs via a single masternode.conf, is there a vote-alias command so owners of particular MNs can instruct me how to place their vote?
  15. thelonecrouton

    Vote: Self-sustainable Decentralized Governance by Blockchain

    And you're ready for the grief when some pack of guvclowns comes knocking for this loot, like this: ...?
  16. thelonecrouton

    Bitcoin Core Developer Commits to 20MB Block Size by March, 2016

    I'm not sure what you meant exactly by that, but the market currently barely qualifies as pocket change for a single large corporation. And that's where it will stay for BTC. DASH's overlay network allows for much faster and more useful services, with vastly greater tx capacity, but not if it...
  17. thelonecrouton

    Bitcoin Core Developer Commits to 20MB Block Size by March, 2016

    I have solved this problem (in theory :tongue:) with subsetted pure PoService... PoW is and always will be a crap non-scalable non-solution. "But it cost me $$$ burning a gazillion jiggawatts to generate these 1's and 0's! It gives value to the coin!" If only anyone cared, eh?
  18. thelonecrouton

    Bitcoin Core Developer Commits to 20MB Block Size by March, 2016

    Crikey, that might get them 100 transactions per second! For the entire world! They are storming into the 20th century for sure. :tongue:
  19. thelonecrouton

    Self-sustainable Decentralized Governance by Blockchain

    The proposed model is very plainly a tax. Forced development of the 'ecosystem' is doomed. Any ecosystem needs to be independently viable without continuous enforced-charity cash injections from the infrastructure providers. Core money funding core development is fine if that's what people...
  20. thelonecrouton

    Self-sustainable Decentralized Governance by Blockchain

    Raganius makes a particularly good point that further illustrates the silliness of the 'MN ops are not to be trusted with real decision making power' argument - all the regulars here, on BCT and elsewhere are already, and have always been, putting in real time and real money (same difference) in...