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  1. Donating 1 iBeLink™ DM384M ASIC Dash miner to Dash Foundation next Week

    I suggest foundation team should contract them and check it firstly, get machine then check mining speed. please pending buy it. you can get more information from below link:
  2. Is a fake ASIC miner maybe, be careful!

    iBeLink is making fake ASIC miners from Avalon parts.
  3. Is a fake ASIC miner maybe, be careful!

    Yes, this maybe a scam, I can prove black said is true, anyway we should check this x11 equipment firstly, they said will donation 1 equipment to foundation next week, let's waiting latest report from foundation team member. so pending buy any machine from iBeLink™...
  4. 11.2 - Dash Release

    Can enable/disable enforcement function as I know.wish will remove these node in future
  5. 欢迎使用TAO式简易主节点架设教程!

    节点私钥是节点内部用到的 估计是生成一个私钥 。 和钱包地址没关联,所以拿到这个私钥 也获取不到币。
  6. Welcome to Chinese Community - 创始人Evan Duffield致中国达世币爱好者的一封信

    顶+1 中国模式要开启了 期待!希望骗子早日受到法律的严惩!!