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  1. M

    MPOS DarkcoinTalk's Official Pool Thread!

    I'll look forward to good news! :wink:
  2. M

    MPOS DarkcoinTalk's Official Pool Thread!

    I get invalid nonce count -HW errors sometimes. Usually when i first start sgminer. Sometimes I'll have to just restart it, sometimes I'll have to reboot. Once it starts mining though, its usually stable. I might have to restart once a week. But sometimes it does take several crash and...
  3. M

    MPOS DarkcoinTalk's Official Pool Thread!

    A few things probably. Were you using those settings for scrypt before? I'm editing my conf to be a little more generic and you can try that. Give me a minute.
  4. M

    MPOS DarkcoinTalk's Official Pool Thread!

    Ah interesting. I didn't realize you could double click the exe and it would keep the dos box open. I always launch it from a command line. If you have your sgminer.conf file in the same folder as sgminer.exe, it should be using that conf file.
  5. M

    MPOS DarkcoinTalk's Official Pool Thread!

    Ok, I'm a little confused. Are you on windows or linux? How were you starting sgminer if not through a command prompt?
  6. M

    MPOS DarkcoinTalk's Official Pool Thread!

    Odd, I copied and pasted your conf file as you posted and changed only the pool info and it runs for me. I get HW hardware errors, but it loads.
  7. M

    MPOS DarkcoinTalk's Official Pool Thread!

    I had that same error once and it took me a while to figure out what it was. Did you try starting sgminer with "-T"?
  8. M

    MPOS DarkcoinTalk's Official Pool Thread!

    Hmm, there's a formatting error in your conf file somewhere I think. I can't see anything wrong above though. Can you double check your conf file? Sometimes it's easy to miss one little comma or bracket...
  9. M

    MPOS DarkcoinTalk's Official Pool Thread!

    godemperor, If you have a sgminer.conf file with your pool info etc, you only need to launch sgminer with ./sgminer. Also, in your sgminer.conf, you have "kernel" : "ckolivas", but in your command line to start sgminer, you're calling for kernal "darkcoin." Ckolivas is for scrypt. You want...
  10. M

    Sgminer (ubuntu), question about hash rate

    I'm running the same sgminer as you on PIMP with 2 280x cards using 14.6 drivers. I was getting about 4.6Mh/s until I recently found wolf's modified bin. I'm also running sgminer on win7 on my 7950. I was getting about...
  11. M

    MPOS DarkcoinTalk's Official Pool Thread!

    Thanks yibble! My account is now unlocked. I'll see if I still get connection issues and report back.
  12. M

    MPOS DarkcoinTalk's Official Pool Thread!

    I started mining on this pool about 2 weeks ago. I would lose stratum connection as well at random intervals for 5-30 minutes at a time. This would happen repeatedly all day, all week long. I had hash coming from my tiny farm (west coast U.S.) and also from westhash cloud mine. Both would...