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    DashForce Meetup & Presentation Program

    Hello DashForce, on Friday, July 27, we held our first meeting about the Dash community, answering questions such as: 1) What is digital money Dash? 2) How does Dash work? 3) What is the Blockchain? 4) How are cryptocurrencies exchanged? We installed 9 Dash wallets and a total of $ 5 was...
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    Venezuela: Articulo de Opinión CEO y fundador de @DASHLARAVZLA y @DASHALICANTEESP

    hay que trabajar duro para sacar adelante nuestro pais, solo con compromiso lo lograremos.
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    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Hello, my name is cease and I am part of Dashlaravzla, due to the economic crisis that Venezuela has, I want to revolutionize the economy through Dash, since it represents a great advantage over other cryptocurrencies