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  1. minersday

    DashDrive feature, is this something you would want?

    Hi! Please don't bring that kind of "dropbox" in the dash evolution. This will open any sort of new attacks, using files. And this will divert from being a currency to something else.. And the technology is something very very last year, mean the file drive thing.. if you have to make a case...
  2. minersday

    A Tricky Path to Quantum-Safe Encryption

    A Tricky Path to Quantum-Safe Encryption: So, bitcoin will go down the drain after quantum computer surface, what about X11 it's more tricky cause of the multiple algorithms? and check out the quantum-secure cryptography picture...
  3. minersday

    V12 Release

    I would love the update to be built into dashd... so just a command like dashd update-binaries --iamsure =D
  4. minersday

    V12 Release

    Seems like nmarley said earlier the same thing...
  5. minersday

    V12 Release

    If I am not completely mistaken, the latest bootstrap file is already reindexed?, just start the daemon up.
  6. minersday

    V12 Release

    Morning, I would recommend to update to .46, compile from source.
  7. minersday

    V12 Release

    have you tried getting the bootstrap?
  8. minersday

    V12 Release

    I would recommend the people who are having problems to compile the .46-version from the source (it's been committed to master source) what I have observed it working on my masternodes (half-a-day), lower CPU/MEM/Net-usage, without the sawing of these we saw earlier.. edit: seems like 11.5%...
  9. minersday

    V12 Release

    Do you have mem usage graph?
  10. minersday

    V12 Release

    Do you have mem usage graph?
  11. minersday

    V12 Release

    There's really something happening after two days of running masternodes. I don't have the problem because I host the nodes myself and enough resources and nobody's throttling them. CPU after two day's of .45 release: Memory after two day's of .45 release: From masternode top -H, command...
  12. minersday

    V12 Release

    You need to have 32-bit libraries installed on your 64-bit system. That's why it says the error you are seeing.
  13. minersday

    V12 Release

    This version works perfectly! Yes, looking very good now!
  14. minersday

    V12 Release

    hmm binaries are at 120044.. should be 120045?
  15. minersday

    V12 Release

    Opened an issue to github repo...
  16. minersday

    V12 Release

    Don't know if it's from BOOST_FOREACH doing the dseep looping, maybe wait/sleep has to be in there?
  17. minersday

    V12 Release

    and when it's not hogging all the CPU it's doing this (same process thread, dash-msghand): utex(0x7f615b513d94, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE|FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME, 34140473, {1439662667, 559634671}, ffffffff) = -1 ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out) futex(0x7f615b513d68, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 0...
  18. minersday

    V12 Release

    and from another masternode same CPU hogging: sendto(29, "\277\fk\275dseep\0\0\0\0\0\0\0t\0\0\0;\6\316I\2362\33w\366o0S"..., 140, MSG_DONTWAIT|MSG_NOSIGNAL, NULL, 0) = 140 sendto(23, "\277\fk\275dseep\0\0\0\0\0\0\0t\0\0\0;\6\316I\2362\33w\366o0S"..., 140, MSG_DONTWAIT|MSG_NOSIGNAL, NULL, 0) =...
  19. minersday

    V12 Release

    The CPU hogging dashd thread is, please fix it, if possible: from top -H: 21921 xxxxx 22 2 908200 179908 36092 R 58.1 8.8 49:39.70 dash-msghand getting messages like this, continious flood, like screen is scrolling as fast as it can.. strace -p 21921: endto(39...
  20. minersday

    V12 Release

    --- dash-cli masternode status "status" : 4, "notCapableReason" : "Could not find suitable coins!" and not showing up on masternode list... Seems like it's very much dependent when you give the masternode start command, like start the cold wallet, wait for it to start (dash-cli getinfo and see...