i would appreciate to have a tails version with integrated dash wallet. Now that abraxas accept your currencie, you could do a favor to these customers and offer them a secure tails image.
I was (am) a supporter of DASH (darkcoin) but since my DASH balance is 0, i took my fanboy glasses of and i can now see why Bitcoin is for the most legal use cases "good enough", like Antonopolous says.... Nobody will try a doublespend attack on a normal buy amount.... and with 0 confirmations...
Why should i use Dash instead of Bitcoin? I am a gambler... And my country don't even know what bitcoin is....
Directbet.eu and also other sites accept 0 confirmation transactions... They are as fast as Dash transactions, and they can not be falsified by a third party, because of the huge...
How? I wonder...
Why should anyone make the effort to get verified (idendity) at a bitcoin exchange, to buy a cryptocurrencie with fees, with which he/she then can buy something on the internet? It is so much easier to use a credit card, it is already established and everyone knows how it...
I have never gambled before.... Though i have also gambled with darkcoins, because there is no other thing you can do.... Oh, and i had a similar szene with dice, but the luck was on my side, when i gambled my last 3000 coins to win back 1 drk max....
Thanks, i am a linux newbie, but with your great explanation i think that i can get this server to run. Got also masternodes to run with back then zero linux experience.... :) So, this will be a new challenge :)
Bitcoin is the leader of the cryptocurrencies. You want to be a competitor to bitcoin and you want that the people recognize that your coin is a crytptcurrencie but better than bitcoin, because of its privacy feature? Name it Bitcash!