Search results

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    Dash merchants directory: WE LOVE DASH

    try one more time!
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    Dash merchants directory: WE LOVE DASH

    @GrandMasterDash done! I added CoinRX on
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    Dash merchants directory: WE LOVE DASH

    tungfa, you're right! many websites doesn't work anymore. My list is updated and all listed stores are online.
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    Dash merchants directory: WE LOVE DASH

    Hi community! Currency does not exist without merchants! Last month I've been busy with researching and developing Dash merchants directory: Currently is listed 143 merchants. I think this is the biggest dash merchant directory. If I miss anyone, send me an email...
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    I would like to earn some Dash's

    “A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” ― Mark Twain
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    I would like to earn some Dash's

    I didn't beg, I offered help to Dash community. Obviously you are not positive community member, just an expert at trolling. Here's some wisdom for you: Get the f*** back to your Monero shit!
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    I would like to earn some Dash's

    You are newbie. I joined Dec 27, 2014
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    I would like to earn some Dash's

    stop trolling
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    I would like to earn some Dash's

    Dash anonymity isn't perfect at some point, but everything else looks good to me.
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    I would like to earn some Dash's

    I'm working in telecommunications for 10 years. I'm best at testing new technologies. Quick learner and enthusiastic. Also love to design in photoshop and illustrator, code simple things in PHP and read everything connected with cryptocurrencies.
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    I would like to earn some Dash's

    Hi! Is there any way for me to help Dash team? I would like to earn some Dash's. I'm from Slovenia. Best Regards! Marko
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    Embed darkcoin chart from

    P.S. How this forum is implemented Current Darkcoin Price?
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    Embed darkcoin chart from

    Is it possible? Bg!
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    Rebranding and Scalability

    deus coin "Deus is Latin for "god" or "deity". Latin deus and dīvus "divine", are descended from Proto-Indo-European *deiwos, from the same root as *Dyēus, the reconstructed chief god of the Proto-Indo-European pantheon." ***Wikipedia
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    MN donations

    I am collecting darks to set up MN in Slovenia. Any help from community much appreciated. I am willing to donate earnings from MN back! XjzufbYd55YFm9qGQjm5NBFnAYMD9QKE7m
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    DRK Mining

    Stavi link od novog minerja
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    X11 pro miner

    Why aren`t any x11 pro miners on the market? (hardware that could mine with 1 Ghz hashrate). Is x11 algorithm so hard to implement into hardware?
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    Nominate Projects for the Developer Bounty Fund. #1

    1. Darkchat (tool integrated into wallet) Optional: 2. Physical Darkcoin (like Casascius)
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    DarkCoin Logo

    New logo will be great in physical form of silver gilded coin :wink:
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    Happy new DRK year 2015

    Happy new year!!!