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  1. Bergstrom

    Translate New Whitepapers

    How do I review my own translations? Ok, can you add me as a reviewer too? tungfa
  2. Bergstrom

    Why wouldn't you use Dash?

    I thought about it but I do not want to stick DASH in their throat. Therefore two alternatives, (no LTC). I am in it for the sales no matter the payment means, although I prefer they payed with DASH. If it would be possible to lower the price when payed with DASH then the incentive of paying...
  3. Bergstrom

    Why wouldn't you use Dash?

    I am a vendor with 50+ sales. My experience from this is that 100% are men, 100% pay with BTC. I have DASH as an option but no one bothers paying with it.
  4. Bergstrom

    DASH meetup Malmö

    The feeling of having something worthwhile in your hand, drinking someone else's work and thinking about the years gone by. Yes, except having a mediocre anecdote, I felt like a time traveler.
  5. Bergstrom

    DASH meetup Malmö

    Yeah, I paid $55 for a beer once and $210 for 2 cl of whisky from 1949 so there are some ways to go... Regret that I missed that whisky from 1937 @ $400/cl.
  6. Bergstrom

    DASH meetup Malmö

    No... Sent a personalised message to each member, no reply after a week from anyone. I am going to my scheduled meetup but I do not like how it is so easy to sign up to "look good" and then ignore it. But hey! The place has 200+ different beers and 200+ different whisky so I am not complaining.
  7. Bergstrom

    DASH meetup Malmö

    Trots att jag inte är helt tillfreds med hur namnbytet har skötts kommer jag ändå fortsätta att vara delaktig i gemenskapen. Skriv gärna på sidan så kan vi planera ett möte då jag vet att det finns ett genuint intresse.
  8. Bergstrom

    DASH meetup Malmö

    Nu ändrar vi namnet till Dash!
  9. Bergstrom

    Official Statement On Rebranding To Dash

    And who decided against and for the name change? What do we know about it, really?
  10. Bergstrom

    Official Statement On Rebranding To Dash

    eduffield How come this was decided as if the community is dysfunctional not capable of your mastermind thinking? I do not like that this was decided opposed to the community. Were you afraid that we would give the wrong answer? Again, I am for the name change, NOT the way it was handled.
  11. Bergstrom

    Official Statement On Rebranding To Dash

    I stand behind the name change. It is a thing hearing from the supporters who are more likely to give an opinion, another to have an official poll.
  12. Bergstrom

    Official Statement On Rebranding To Dash

    Did I miss the poll or was this an executive decision?
  13. Bergstrom

    Deleted thread

    My bad. I thought it was rather fishy when the posts got deleted then after a day the thread was deleted. Information is the key.
  14. Bergstrom

    Deleted thread

    Of course! I have countless hours myself and I would not want anything else beyond that. I respect it, then again - how it is handled.
  15. Bergstrom

    Deleted thread

    I understand there is "a bit" of turmoil but the recent changes have not strengthened the community.
  16. Bergstrom

    Deleted thread

    My thread got deleted after Transifex was running again. I understand there has to be some damage control but my thread was not inapproriate at the time and then it was deleted without any notification to the forum or me. Transparency? Feels like the Soviet. Will posts that does not fit the...
  17. Bergstrom

    Help translating the darkcoin core

    Too bad. I had a 100% translated text of the Swedish section and now, nothing. Invested many hours, mostly by myself. I respect Vertoes decision to step down except bringing all her efforts down with her.
  18. Bergstrom

    Help translating the darkcoin core

    The Darkcoin project is gone. Is all our hard work worth nothing now or could it be up and running again? I know Vertoe held that and she is not active. What will happen?
  19. Bergstrom

    Rebranding and Scalability

    Ha! Dash Dalmatian, that is where I am from...
  20. Bergstrom

    DASH meetup Malmö Jag har skapat en DASH-meetup i Malmö. Finns det villigt folk i närheten av Malmö så tar vi en kaffe, bier eller vadhelst som gör det hela till en rolig och intressant diskussion. Än så länge har det bara varit jag men nu har fler intressenter anslutit sig. Vi...