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  1. L

    Pre-proposal: Dash conference - Venezuela

    I have always thought that when one criticizes someones work, it´s because one has a better way to do it. I have seen that you are very critical of the work done in VE, specially regarding costs. Well, then I guess you have, or are able to produce a better proposal which is both cheaper and more...
  2. L

    Pre-proposal: Dash conference - Venezuela

    I hope that too. Dash has invested a considerable amount of money in VE, and while I agree that any project can and should be reviewed on the go, and adjustments made when necessary, abandoning it altogether is not a wise move, especially after all the effort put into it until now. Stopping...
  3. L

    Pre-proposal: Dash conference - Venezuela

    Nice cost cutting effort! I hope the community appreciate it. This proves that your compromise with Dash is a real one, no matter what a couple of naysayers liked to write lately. Best of wishes!
  4. L

    Pre-proposal: Dash conference - Venezuela

    Hi: I am from Los Teques, Venezuela, I had been in two of your conferences, 6th and 8th, and I can attest the veracity of your video and the impact of your efforts, I even heard you giving a radio interview radio at a local FM station, as well as tv interviews. As we all know, the proposal for...