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  1. SirHikmat

    No masternode payout almost 2 weeks now, suggestions?

    you can check you queue position. What is the IP of your not payed masternode?
  2. SirHikmat

    Renewed Core wallet but my Masternodes not listed under MN tab

    no problem. You don't really need this file or you can generate a new one: 1) perfect, create a new file (Format: alias IP:port masternodeprivkey collateral_output_txid collateral_output_index) 2) no, you only have to recreate the masternode.conf file locally
  3. SirHikmat

    Renewed Core wallet but my Masternodes not listed under MN tab

    copy the file masternode.conf from your iMac to your MacBook Pro (~/Library/Application Support/DashCore).
  4. SirHikmat

    Minimal docker container for dashd

    Are there any plans to create a sentinel docker container? Only small changes like this one have to be done, that this will work.
  5. SirHikmat

    Error message code -5 when trying to upload priv key

    Code -5 means that your private keys aren't in Wallet Import Format. Now the import seems to work: Do you see the address in your wallet with balance 0? If yes, then go to wallet repair and choose rescan. Then you should see your DASH
  6. SirHikmat

    Usability - of Dash units by "your mother" target user.

    similar discussion here:
  7. SirHikmat

    Lost my masternode - i hate it when that happens

    I always thought that when the wallet is created, around 100 private keys are randomly generated and stored in the wallet. Isn't this correct?
  8. SirHikmat

    Lost my masternode - i hate it when that happens

    Try to rescan the wallet. Do you have a lot of addresses? What date was the final transfer done?
  9. SirHikmat

    Do I need to restart my masternode?

    Correct. As soon as the masternode is successfully started, you can close your Dash Core Wallet.
  10. SirHikmat

    Why is no one here talking about Dash/USD or Dash/BTC prices?

    DASH is not a typical trader/hype/pump&dump cryptocoin. The beta value of DASH is in my opinion way below 1. DASH is a defensive asset, I call it "crypto bond". Most of the community are interested in mass adaption of the coin and not the current price.
  11. SirHikmat

    Do I need to restart my masternode?

    Dash Core has sometimes very strange status. Don't trust to this status. don't restart, masternode looks good to me: server➜~» ./ "" [23:39:40] masternode -> queue position 17/4444 ->...
  12. SirHikmat

    Is 1 million US$ per Dash possible?

    Die Killer-Anwendung fehlt momentan allen Crypto-Währungen. In den nächsten Jahren wirst du in keinem Land der Welt damit flächendeckend bezahlen können, da niemand von den aktuellen Playern (Banken, Kreditkartenunternehmen) Interesse hat, eine Cryptowährung zu lancieren. DASH löst ein...
  13. SirHikmat

    [IDEA] QT Core Wallet premixing to another wallet (e.g. mobile)

    Does anybody know what format do the breadwallet-based iOS App from @Nash Nobley use?
  14. SirHikmat

    iPhone Wallet synchronisiert nicht

    Kann es sein, dass du die App von Nash Nobley hast: Dann stehen deine Chancen nicht so gut, da vor der App unterdessen gewarnt wird: Jedoch widerspricht der Entwickler...
  15. SirHikmat

    iPhone Wallet synchronisiert nicht

    Welches Wallet benutzt du?
  16. SirHikmat

    Is 1 million US$ per Dash possible?

    Ja, habe ich mir auch gedacht. Mit dem BTC Fork kann ich mir aber vorstellen, dass sich DASH in den nächsten 2 Jahren irgendwo zwischen ETH (neu #1) und BTC (neu #3) einreihen wird...
  17. SirHikmat

    A quick question please...

    This is a valid point. Lots of people in the EU area still calculate for themselves with their old currency, then the Euro. Bitcoin, Dash and every other cryptocurrency amounts are highly divisible. In example: The smallest value that the Bitcoin network supports sending is the satoshi, one...
  18. SirHikmat

    Updating to 12.1 - Not capable masternode: Could not connect to X.X.X.X:9999

    yes, mine is reachable from the outside. The masternode is on dashninja and in the masternode list, listed as "Enabled". I'll post more details, as soon as I understand my problem (maybe some problems with my /etc/hosts or my ipconfig)
  19. SirHikmat

    0.12.1 update: Error when trying to start Sentinel

    Do you use a custom path to dash.conf? If yes, then add the following line to sentinel/test/test_sentinel.conf: dash_conf=/path/to/dash.conf
  20. SirHikmat

    Masternode data on non-root volume

    and 3. Start dashd with the following command: ./dashd --datadir=/mnt/data/dashcore