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  1. María Victoria Díaz

    AgroCognitive powered by DASH digital cash

    Hi Dash community, At this opportunity i will share a World Economic Forum report where they talks about the important to technology role in accelerating food systems transformation. With Agrocognitive we are convinced that we put our contribution for a better world...
  2. María Victoria Díaz

    AgroCognitive powered by DASH digital cash

    May-30-2018 Project Updates Hi Dash community, this week we worked with UpDrone team for a information-collecting process of images, coming soon we will show you news in the field.
  3. María Victoria Díaz

    Únete al Foro Dash Latinoamericano

    ¡Hola George! Gran iniciativa en la comunidad, cuenta con el team de @AgroCognitive para lo que necesites en el desarrollo de tu idea, creo que podemos aportar ideas y experiencia en el uso de Dash en sectores especificos como la agroindustria. ;) Un abrazo,
  4. María Victoria Díaz

    AgroCognitive powered by DASH digital cash

    Hi Dash community, this week part of our team was focus in make relationships with different partners for expand the Dash use in the agroindustry. The last friday UpDrone Company, who are our commercial partners for the photographic survey in the field, they welcomed us in their office, to...
  5. María Victoria Díaz

    Pre-proposal: AgroCognitive - An ultimate solution to bring Dash to the fields (First month)

    We are pleased to invite you to our webinar "AgroCognitive powered by Dash" where we will have the opportunity to make a brief introduction of this alliance and show a demo of our solution and how we plan to make Dash an easy payment method. The appointment is for next Wednesday 25/04 at 01:00...
  6. María Victoria Díaz

    Pre-proposal: AgroCognitive - An ultimate solution to bring Dash to the fields (First month)

    Yes indeed, now we have had meetings with 2 industries including the areas of technology and agriculture, an association of sugarcane growers (this groups all the country's sugarcane growers) and a group of farmers from the cocoa sector. For massive adoption we plan to support ourselves with...
  7. María Victoria Díaz

    Pre-proposal: AgroCognitive - An ultimate solution to bring Dash to the fields (First month)

    Hi @George Donnelly thanks for you feedback, i add the spanish flyer, you can check and give your opinion. For the approach with farmer we make a lobby with somes medium and large agro association and some big argo industry, this introduce a group with knowledge in agro commercial, beneficing...
  8. María Victoria Díaz

    Pre-proposal: AgroCognitive - An ultimate solution to bring Dash to the fields (First month)

    Hello Everyone, We're exciting our company classification in a new challenge, this time with a artificial intelligence project for a insurance company, we believe that this is a opportunity to expose our work to AgroCognitive in the region, and even identify opportunities to empower more...
  9. María Victoria Díaz

    DashLancer - A use case for Dash in Cross Border Freelancing.

    Perfect, I have a project in proposal and requires freelancers, I believe that to strengthen our ecosystem we must create spaces where we can execute our budget only in Dash, this would help with the transparency of our execution and is consistent with our vision. Thanks @Gaurav_Gupta
  10. María Victoria Díaz


    Hi! I'm going to this conference, i like the register system, personalize and easy, I hope the QR code make faster the access process! R,
  11. María Victoria Díaz

    DashLancer - A use case for Dash in Cross Border Freelancing.

    Hi! Like this proposal, I have a question, if I need the developer services for a dash project, could I get a discount or it's the same price for a not dash project? Thanks :)
  12. María Victoria Díaz

    A DASH of Analytics: Insights on Project Funding Allocations and Governance

    I really like your idea, i believe that the data is powerful, always that you will had an idea in mind for data use...
  13. María Victoria Díaz

    Pre-proposal: AgroCognitive - An ultimate solution to bring Dash to the fields (First month)

    Thanks for your interest, we appreciate your support. We are a small business company from Venezuela with more than 10 years of experience delivering techology and service. Our customers range goes from small to large business companies. We have validated AgroCognitive concept and its usefulness...