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  1. aleix

    Hands On Review and Experience of the PinIdea ASIC X11 Miner DR-1

    This is just a warning. I'm not judging your company. Posting the same content (the website of your comany and some text) in +15 threads is SPAM. I see now you are editing some of the posts -> good work. best,
  2. aleix

    Hands On Review and Experience of the PinIdea ASIC X11 Miner DR-1

    Please stop spamming the forum with posts with your brand. Otherwise I'll be forced to ban you. best,
  3. aleix

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Welcome to the forum dashaf! We delete tons of spam messages every day. So sorry to keep you waiting. This is a necessary precaution in order to keep clean the house :) best,
  4. aleix

    Welcome Ernesto Contreras - Regional Manager Latin America (LATAM)

    Bienvenido Ernesto, saludos desde Barcelona!
  5. aleix

    Needs some intervention in forum.

    As a moderator I erase, ban and move dozens of posts every week. Spam is still an issue here, but we are working on that. Regarding trolling, I value freedom of speech over all, so If the post it's DASH related I do not erase or ban anyone. Even the guy with the most nefarious intentions.
  6. aleix

    How to start mining business? You can find tons of useful information googling "mining crypto". Good luck!
  7. aleix

    Exchange market

    I would recommend bisq: A truly p2p exchange market
  8. aleix

    Interest of the newbie of the crypto world

    go to youtube, search for Andreas Antonopoulos -> watch all Then go some research about the 30 first currencies (white paper, slacks, forums, etc) of My choice is very clear, i'm with DASH, but this is a decision that you need to take by yourself good luck,
  9. aleix

    What is mining in cryptocurrency ? This is a comprehensive guide for the Bitcoin mining. You can apply most this to DASH mining as well
  10. aleix

    Should core decide if dash is opensource Evolution or should Mns decide ?

    Nah, Icebreaker (his name in bitcointalk, here he is using the Dash News Network name) really enjoys trolling. He is a psychopath, he is with us since mid 2014. Have you seen Mindhunter on netflix? Kind of but in a internet version He is also a fascist and a monero supremacist. So imagine...
  11. aleix

    Stupids and Spies bought masternodes in order to stop governance.

    Please, don't feed the troll. Thanks.
  12. aleix

    Stupids and Spies bought masternodes in order to stop governance.

    Internet Trolls Are Narcissists, Psychopaths, and Sadists
  13. aleix

    My qt wallet stuck in my taskbar (windows 10)

    Thnks UdjinM6, I used the command and now the wallet is working ok. @newmz
  14. aleix

    My qt wallet stuck in my taskbar (windows 10)

    I have the same problem....
  15. aleix

    Dash Support for Victims in Barcelona Attack

    As a Catalan born, raised and currently living in Barcelona, and I don't like the idea. Do you want to make some donations to the associations that are helping the victims I can provide some links to do it anonymously. This is a moment of great sadness and any kind of promotion of a coin o a...
  16. aleix

  17. aleix

    Getting started.

    Please check this page: welcome to our community :)
  18. aleix

    The decentralized exchange bisq now accepts DASH as a main currency to trade

    yeah, well.. the times they are a changin' ;)
  19. aleix

    The decentralized exchange bisq now accepts DASH as a main currency to trade

    The decentralized exchange bisq (formerly called Bitsquare) now accepts DASH as a main currency to trade. Bisq is one of the most important projects in the Bitcoin and Altcoin ecosystem. A true decentralized...