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  1. Household Name®

    Twitter report for @dashpay 2022

    Hi Ernesto, If the growth goals envisioned for were to update brand voice and improve engagement, the uptick you're sharing here is 137 likes from 419k followers. That's 0.0326% engagement, right?
  2. Household Name®

    Vaultoro, you should be outraged and ashamed

    Hello again GMD, 'What else is there to vote on?' Dash Evolution | Marketing the Future
  3. Household Name®

    Dash Evolution | Marketing the Future - Proposal Withdrawn

    This proposal has been withdrawn. Thank you for your consideration.
  4. Household Name®

    Dash Town Hall 2022

    This... 'MNOs need to simply stop funding projects that don't provide objective and measurable outcomes.'
  5. Household Name®

    Dash Town Hall 2022

    Agreed, and I might suggest a pre-proposal filter by 'Top Voted'. Certainly allowing all DASH holders a vote is more equitable, allowing for the possibility the system could be gamed. But respectfully, we don't see...
  6. Household Name®

    Dash Town Hall 2022

    Hi Ben, Thanks for reaching out... To clarify, I was noting there seems to be no historical leaderboard to rank pre-proposals. Our #1 ranked pre-proposal was Dash as Title Sponsor & Official Payment Partner for the San Francisco Marathon, ‘The world’s first crypto marathon' receiving 4,000...
  7. Household Name®

    Dash Town Hall 2022

    Historical leaderboard you say...? #1 Ranked Pre-Proposal on DASH Forum:
  8. Household Name®

    Pre-Proposal | 'The DASH San Francisco Marathon 2018' - Title Sponsor & 'Official Payment Partner'

    To the DASH Community–– 2018 San Francisco Marathon News: 'Jorge Maravilla has won the men's division of the 2018 San Francisco Marathon with his son in his arms. The two-time reigning champion finished with an unofficial time of 2:27:56. Women's winner Bonnie Tran, from San Francisco, crossed...
  9. Household Name®

    Pre-Proposal | 'The DASH San Francisco Marathon 2018' - Title Sponsor & 'Official Payment Partner'

    Thank you Arthyron. We're in crypto/blockchain for the long run, so let's see where we are in three years. Here in Brooklyn, we're heavily involved in promoting the Bushwick neighborhood as a new tech hub––they call it 'Cryptolandia'––with ConsenSys among others opening offices here...
  10. Household Name®

    Pre-Proposal | 'The DASH San Francisco Marathon 2018' - Title Sponsor & 'Official Payment Partner'

    To the DASH Community–– Thank you to all members who worked with us to support our 'Dash San Francisco Marathon' proposal––sadly it was not to be this year. SAN FRANCISCO – The San Francisco Marathon and Biofreeze, the #1 clinically recommended topical pain reliever, today announced a...
  11. Household Name®

    Pre-Proposal | 'The DASH San Francisco Marathon 2018' - Title Sponsor & 'Official Payment Partner'

    To the DASH Community–– While we are disappointed with the outcome of the voting, we understand the timing was just not right for a proposal of this size. It was reaffirming to receive 114 "yes" votes and receive many positive comments from the Forum and Masternodes. Of those who voted no, many...
  12. Household Name®

    Crypto & Blockchain | Marketing the Future

    Hi Geoffrey–– While we agree that banner ad/social metrics should be taken with a high degree of skepticism (thousands of these "followers" accounts are in fact bought), the case to invest further treasury funds in them is now moot. Many social channels––Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn––no longer...
  13. Household Name®

    Pre-Proposal | 'The DASH San Francisco Marathon 2018' - Title Sponsor & 'Official Payment Partner'

    Hi Jeremy–– What Dash will receive as ROI is blanket awareness in San Francisco, combined with a targeted plan for local merchant adoption similar to Portsmouth, New Hampshire:
  14. Household Name®

    Pre-Proposal | 'The DASH San Francisco Marathon 2018' - Title Sponsor & 'Official Payment Partner'

    Hi Jeremy–– We believe price declines to be temporary, and that a $2 billion market cap does qualify Dash as a "very large company"––one that we want to help grow larger still. As noted, we have listened to community comments and TSFM have significantly reduced the treasury ask. Thank you.
  15. Household Name®

    Pre-Proposal | 'The DASH San Francisco Marathon 2018' - Title Sponsor & 'Official Payment Partner'

    To the DASH Community–– We have listened to your comments about the budget and have significantly reduced the ask so as not to drain the treasury. We will be posting for Masternode voting in the coming days. Thank you. Team Household Name® Reddit discussion...
  16. Household Name®

    Pre-Proposal | 'The DASH San Francisco Marathon 2018' - Title Sponsor & 'Official Payment Partner'

    Hi Philosofer–– Sponsoring a major marathon by a crypto has not been done before (that's the opportunity) so there are no metrics as yet. Core/other proposals may choose to build a new website of course––that's not our remit.
  17. Household Name®

    Pre-Proposal | 'The DASH San Francisco Marathon 2018' - Title Sponsor & 'Official Payment Partner'

    Hi Philosofer–– Thank you for taking the time to read our (long!) proposal, and leave your comments. We counsel brand-building DASH via sponsorship because digital/traditional advertising will not be viable for cryptos from June onwards. We're working on a revised budget that does not drain...
  18. Household Name®

    Pre-Proposal | 'The DASH San Francisco Marathon 2018' - Title Sponsor & 'Official Payment Partner'

    Hi Geo–– Household Name and the Marathon Partnership Team have taken on board community comments about the shrinking treasury. Know that we are currently in deep negotiation to arrive at a solution that delivers ROI for Dash, covers TSFM event costs, allows MN to vote "yes"...and doesn't...
  19. Household Name®

    Pre-Proposal | 'The DASH San Francisco Marathon 2018' - Title Sponsor & 'Official Payment Partner'

    Hi Superkimb–– Yes, participants will be able to pay their marathon registration with Dash. Also merch & apparel purchase. But the biggest coup is TSFM (a merchant) are willing to accept their sponsorship fee in Dash. This is a huge PR story in itself. Thank you for your support!