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  1. Tomas Alfaro

    DashForce Meetup & Presentation Program

    Hey everyone we wanted to share the report of our last meetup. Activity Report Technical Information Address: La Concha Mall, Suite 12, 6016 Lecheria, Anzoategui, Venezuela Capacity: 40-50 pp Rotary Club Lechería office, capacity for 40-50 tight, bathrooms, internet, video beam. Twitter...
  2. Tomas Alfaro

    Sunset Roll powered by Dash

    Dear community & MNO's, We are proud to announce that our proposal is online. :) Here you can find to the link in Dash Central: We count with your vote to take Dash influence in Venezuela to a whole new level. Please start watching...
  3. Tomas Alfaro

    Sunset Roll powered by Dash

    Hello @SrPoliloco so kind and meaningfull words from someone commited with the adoption of Crypto in Venezuela. Thanks a lot!!
  4. Tomas Alfaro

    Sunset Roll powered by Dash

    Hello thank you for taking the time to read our proposal. I've address your concern to Felipe D'Onofrio and Santiago Noguera Operation Manager and IT Manager, soon you will hear from them the technology we plan to develop. Regards,
  5. Tomas Alfaro

    Sunset Roll powered by Dash

    Hello @Name3 Thank you for taking the time to read our proposal, since 2012 Sunset Roll productions have demonstrated their capacity to delight Venezuelans with unique events. I would say more than events an unique experience, improving year by year. Most of cultural events in Venezuela lack of...
  6. Tomas Alfaro

    Sunset Roll powered by Dash

    Mr. Richard Thank you for your support, I'm sure together we can transform Venezuela into a Dash Nation.
  7. Tomas Alfaro

    Sunset Roll powered by Dash

    Hello Mr. Albert firstly I'd like to thank you and Dash Force Organization for the confidence deposited on Dash-PLC community. Thanks to Dash Force Meetup program we have made 4 successful meetups. Introducing more than 200 users to Dash network and its use as a POS system. Regarding your...
  8. Tomas Alfaro

    Sunset Roll powered by Dash

    Hello everyone my name is Tomás Alfaro. I'm a member of Dash PLC. I'm the responsible of the communications of the team. I'm here to answer all your questions and inquiries. Also you can contact me on: Discord:talfarod and Email:[email protected]. In case of a needing a signed or encrypted...
  9. Tomas Alfaro

    Pre-Proposal: HuitPro - Freelance Services Marketplace based on a Dash payment method.

    I've been a freelancer for more than 5 years I'd love to get paid in Dash for my services, also I believe current freelancing sites charge to much for their services, here in Venezuela we have a lot of people capable to deliver high quality engineering and other services due the rough economic...
  10. Tomas Alfaro

    8 Steps to a Successful Proposal

    I believe we are all thankfull to @strophy for this post, I took the liberty to translate it to Spanish so it's easier to understand for spanish speakers! Las propuestas en el sistema de gobernanza de Dash son sujetas a eleccion por los masternodes. Como cualquier votación necesitas...
  11. Tomas Alfaro

    Proposal for 2 conferences in SPAIN teaching about Dash as FinTech Proyect

    Hello @blockchaintech I believe this is a great idea, I believe you wont have problems to get it passed unless is to expensive. I recommend you to start doing meetups so you can meet people interested in Dash in Spain. You should start to compile info on Spanish to give it to the merchants and...
  12. Tomas Alfaro

    pre-proposal DashBus Venezuela..Transporting to the future

    Hey, I believe is a great idea due the problems in Venezuela with cash. But I agree with @JOL you have a lot of problems with infrastructure. I believe those problems are sortable. I recommend you to do a market analysis first a survey to Bus owners or Bus Unions as @Showny M. Azar Raheb said...
  13. Tomas Alfaro

    proposals corruption in Venezuela inflating budgets

    I would recommend you to make a detailed report of the irregularities you have noticed. I believe this space is for hearing each other and solve our differences we cannot bury the things we don't like. people should not forget the essence of crypto (FREEDOM) and freedom of speech is a very...
  14. Tomas Alfaro

    I have a problem GetFreeDash

    I couldn't agree more with George. All Dash faucets needs to be clear with their users. A funding status bar could be the solution also improving the customer service, maybe you could ask help to @AlejandroE Dash Help could help you with that!
  15. Tomas Alfaro

    Mining Hardware and Guides

    hello Tungfa I know this are really old posts the link to the documentation is broken I was wondering if you know something about those Pinidea first time I see them. Best regards!
  16. Tomas Alfaro

    Crypto Atm machines integrated with Dash currency

    Do you have a webpage where I can find more information??
  17. Tomas Alfaro

    Is Crypto Investment is best compared to Local stocks

    In this market with high volatility, brokers and techinical analists are a key to make profit. Investing without experts I consider it very risky...
  18. Tomas Alfaro


    Hello guys I was wondering if the budget is for the whole schedule?, i don't have that clear. Thanks!
  19. Tomas Alfaro

    Pre-Proposal: DASH MERCHANT VENEZUELA - MASSIVE ADOPTION PROGRAM (2000 merchants in 3 months)

    hello @AlejandroE, I believe the Legal Advisor is one of the pillars of your project. The first Q of merchants will be: "que hago con el SENIAT?" (what should I do with IRS & Taxes?) I'd like to know that answer and the second Q will be: how I know the equivalency of Dash to Bs? I believe if you...
  20. Tomas Alfaro

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Hey guys my name is Tomás Alfaro, I'm a mechanical engineer student of the USB (Universidad Simon Bolivar at Caracas, Venezuela). I love technology & electronics. I've been investing in cryptocurrencies since 1 year ago I consider myself a cryptolover. Since I'm on this world I don't want to...