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  1. Rafael Echeverría

    Contact With Dash developers

    Great resources for a place to start this will be really helpful in the hackathon we are planning. @Saul Felipe Cano Quiñones it would be great to join forces to make this happen
  2. Rafael Echeverría

    Relacionandonos con desarrolladores

    Hablando de esto mismo hemos lanzado la propuesta en DashBoost para organizar un Hackathon dedicado 100% a desarrollar soluciones basadas en DASH además de evangelizar el uso del dinero electrónico: Ayudenos a que sea posible y se haga una realidad para el mes de Septiembre...
  3. Rafael Echeverría

    Pre-Proposal –Tabasco, México / Indie Music Festival DASH

    Hello Jorge this is a great opportunity for DASH to take the main stage, I see a huge opportunity adoption wise and some onboarding for businesses during the event. It would be great to see if there's any other sponsors and promoters lined up in order to make this event happen.
  4. Rafael Echeverría

    Pre-proposal: Hackathon Dash Build

    Hello dear community, we adapted our pre proposal to work in Dash Boost is our desire to make this event posible during the next month. Please help us to make this possible:
  5. Rafael Echeverría

    DashBoost Official Launch

    ¿When will the next cycle will be?
  6. Rafael Echeverría

    Relacionandonos con desarrolladores

    El hackathon es un evento que permite esto mismo, en su mayoría los desarrolladores trabajan sobre algo establecido y la tendencia es a hacer integraciones hacia terceros. En Latam es necesario comenzar a impulsar más hackathones sobretodo de blockchain que permitan al talento migrar a las...
  7. Rafael Echeverría

    Pre-proposal: Hackathon Dash Build

    This could be that first step in order to have a open development community for the Dash platform.
  8. Rafael Echeverría

    Pre-proposal: Hackathon Dash Build

    There is a huge opportunity in having this kind of experiences for developers here is a great tool for adoption and long term commitment
  9. Rafael Echeverría

    Pre-proposal: Hackathon Dash Build

    Thank you Arthyron for the interest this is my first proposal but not my first hackathon, :) This help us a lot in understanding deliverables and scope. Could you give us some examples of some of the notable projects that have come from your previous hackathons? Here are some of the...
  10. Rafael Echeverría

    Pre-proposal: Hackathon Dash Build

    Gracias, también es una gran oportunidad de involucrar a la comunidad a desarrollar soluciones y conocer más sobre las plataformas de creación en Dash
  11. Rafael Echeverría

    Pre-proposal: Hackathon Dash Build

    Hello George for your comment, this will include any and "ONLY" software solutions using DASH as a main component. Apps, Websites or hardware(Arduino, Raspberry etc.) using wrappers or any API
  12. Rafael Echeverría

    Pre-proposal: Hackathon Dash Build

    Updates: Added previously organized hackathons Added organizers team Hello Dash Community my name is Rafael Echeverria, I know I'm new to the Dash community but I've been working with tech communities for the past 4 years and our team have been involved with the organization of almost...
  13. Rafael Echeverría

    Comunidad de Dash en Tabasco

    Saludos! Muchas Gracias, Fuerte la comunidad de Venezuela
  14. Rafael Echeverría

    Comunidad de Dash en Tabasco

    @Adolflow Se encuentra en Chiapas buscn Así es Adolfo esta buscando persona interesadas en Chiapas!
  15. Rafael Echeverría

    Any WooCommerce related audience here ?

    Is there any efforts working on Woocommerce Integrations?
  16. Rafael Echeverría

    Comunidad de Dash en Tabasco

    Estamos lanzando la comunidad de Dash en Tabasco, tenemos varios proyectos en puerta. Colaboraremos en el tema de adopción del método de pago y como puede ser utilizado por los negocios. Nos gustaría saber si hay iniciativas cercanas en Veracruz Chiapas o Campeche. Saludos!
  17. Rafael Echeverría

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Hello! I'm Rafael I've been following the collaborative economy movement since the early years, I'm an independent consultant and I work for a non profit that promotes sustainable solutions with technology, I also advice the local government, I've been an advisor for incubators and...