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  1. B

    r/DRKcoin Faucet not working?

    Yeah I figured it out about the timer but there seems to be no cap. Any single payment is immediately sent to the blockchain
  2. B

    r/DRKcoin Faucet not working?

    Its working now, thanks! When I see it down I'll email you then. What is the time limit to use the faucet and the payment threshold? Can't find that info on the faucet page
  3. B

    r/DRKcoin Faucet not working?

    There are 2 faucets I know of, neither of which is working for me. I tried on firefox and IE 10 One is at It never does anything The other Always says "the internet goblins are messing with us. Please hit...
  4. B

    Capital controls in Greece: Greek language Wiki a good idea perhaps?!

    That's the first time I hear this and I live in Greece! Do you have a link? I suspect it's probably nothing more than rumors As for Greececoin, I doubt the dev is even Greek. Like those other country coins it's probably just a scam
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    Total coins

    So total coins are 84 mil instead of 22mil that it says in the announcement thread
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    Total coins

    I know that total is estimated at around 22mil and that at current difficulty levels, most blocks pay between 15-19 coins How can I find out the total coins in circulation right now? Also in what time span is the rest of the coins expected to be distributed? And since I don't see any mention of...
  7. B

    Why does X11 run cooler?

    So ironically, X11 is not very gpu friendly! If asics ever got out, they should crush gpus more so than ever was the case with sha256 or scrypt. But that's OK because if we ever get to that point, that can only mean that drk has been a wild success
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    Help. I can't get sgminer to work on some systems

    I tried some sph version by badman74, which I found here (the most recent) And it works now. Thanks a lot :) My 7950 averages about 1.382Mh with an intensity 16 (intensity value seems to...
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    Help. I can't get sgminer to work on some systems

    7950, windows 8 32 bit 13.11 beta 9.5 driver (tried 13.12 too) sgminer -k darkcoin -o stratum+tcp:// -u bspus.2 -p 1234 -I 15 -w 128 --thread-concurrency 18000 Stops soon after "darkcoin kernel is experimental" message, with a pop up saying sgminer has stopped working 7970...
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    Help. I can't get sgminer to work on some systems

    I uninstalled all amd software and installed 13.11 beta 9.5 as instructed above. I still get the same error, which is a pop up window saying that sgminer has stopped working
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    Help. I can't get sgminer to work on some systems

    That's a start. I'll try tonight after work and post
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    Help. I can't get sgminer to work on some systems

    Hello I have 4 gpus on 4 different systems. A 5770, a 7770, a 7970 and a 7950 I have gotten sgminer to work on 2 systems (5770 on windows server 2012 and 7770 on windows 7) but I'm having trouble with the other two (on windows 8 32 and 64 bit) At first, I could get sgminer to run (using...