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  1. C

    MPOS DarkcoinTalk's Official Pool Thread!

    Is there womething wrong with the pool ? I'm loosing stratum connection (from europe) with various ISP. Like it's working 5 minutes, down for one or 2 minutes, and so on.
  2. C

    MPOS DarkcoinTalk's Official Pool Thread!

    Well I whitelisted the ip of the mail server so I was able to get emails. But users with strict email providers won't receive the mails, so yes, let Propulsion update the SPF record ;) I remember I ran in a similar issue several months ago and he solved it.
  3. C

    MPOS DarkcoinTalk's Official Pool Thread!

    Are there issues with mails sent from the pool ? I can't unlock my account Edit: SPF issues, is not authorized to send mails for :/
  4. C

    MPOS DarkcoinTalk's Official Pool Thread!

    Mail sent, thank you
  5. C

    MPOS DarkcoinTalk's Official Pool Thread!

    There's a problem with email setup on the pool SPF records for don't allow dreamhost as originating server But they are correctly setup for the board, which uses google. Can you update the spf record ? I can't unlock my account because of that ... ('coz I'm running my own mail...