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  1. Amr Hamed

    Pre-Proposal :Update Skype Interviews And YouTube TV Show About Dash in Arabic for the Egypte Market

    Thanks sir for your support , but i'm still need sponsor for my proposal
  2. Amr Hamed

    Pre-Proposal :Update Skype Interviews And YouTube TV Show About Dash in Arabic for the Egypte Market

    @unchained i did what you told me but it's been 3 days i didn't here anything from you sir in discord chat?
  3. Amr Hamed

    Pre-Proposal :Update Skype Interviews And YouTube TV Show About Dash in Arabic for the Egypte Market

    Yes i did videos of some coin for free but with bad quiallty and with just my voice , and now i want to make new styl to my videos with dash digital cash that's why i asked for equipment here and i put this proposal to let you know eygpt need dash
  4. Amr Hamed

    Pre-Proposal :Update Skype Interviews And YouTube TV Show About Dash in Arabic for the Egypte Market

    Hi sir , yes i didn't do anything in my chaneel about dash that' why i come here , i see a lot of feedback they want good qualiter of video for that i don't want to give dash bad start in egypt and also i should to change this styl of my chaneel because that's what i heard from alot of people...
  5. Amr Hamed

    Niche Market Trade Shows - POS Vendors

    I like this idea
  6. Amr Hamed

    Pre-Proposal :Update Skype Interviews And YouTube TV Show About Dash in Arabic for the Egypte Market

    Hi , why me ? Because i trust to myself , and you can't judge if i can make change to this coin or not you should to try ( for exmple you can't say this pizza it's good or not , you should to eat it first ) , and if you check my youtube chanel and my groupe facebook you'll se alot of fans i have...
  7. Amr Hamed

    Pre-Proposal :Update Skype Interviews And YouTube TV Show About Dash in Arabic for the Egypte Market

    Yes bro , i talk with @TroyDASH and help me with that , i edited the cost
  8. Amr Hamed

    Pre-Proposal :Update Skype Interviews And YouTube TV Show About Dash in Arabic for the Egypte Market

    Hi sir , really i didn't understand what you want to mean exactly ? you want to mean the cost of this proposal is expensive or what ? and i'll come to discord chat right now
  9. Amr Hamed

    Pre-Proposal :Update Skype Interviews And YouTube TV Show About Dash in Arabic for the Egypte Market

    Yes sir i'm agree with all what you said , you can check my youtube channel to see my work as you see the nickname of my chaneel is btc and if you check my videos you'll find every way who to get satochi and a lot of thing so for that if this proposal pass i...
  10. Amr Hamed

    Pre-Proposal :Update Skype Interviews And YouTube TV Show About Dash in Arabic for the Egypte Market

    @Acedian hi sir , yes you right it's small project because if i start with big project it'll be hard for me and for my fans in youtube and members groupe facebook , that's why i want to get i small start . And as i said i want to share dash more and more for that i'don't have problem with cost i...
  11. Amr Hamed

    Pre-Proposal :Update Skype Interviews And YouTube TV Show About Dash in Arabic for the Egypte Market

    Hi @Leonidas i have been almost two years in cryptocuruncy world , as all people in the begining i was know just btc , and for one year i start to help people in my chaneal youtube and groupe facebook to know this world how it's work and finaly i have a lot of active member in my groupe facebook...
  12. Amr Hamed

    Pre-Proposal :Update Skype Interviews And YouTube TV Show About Dash in Arabic for the Egypte Market

    Who am i ? I'm Ahmed from Egypte 28 years old . Arab is my native language. i want to spread the good word of Dash to our fellow Egyptien and the 400 million Arabs of this world and i have been almost two years in cryptocuruncy world and i'm youtuber . Objective : create and execute a...