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    Dash v12.3 Release Announcement - available July 3rd

    Hello, The MN is updated! But i got an error in the make process - luckily after finishing the dashd Where can i report the error? [..] test/alert_tests.cpp: In constructor ‘ReadAlerts::ReadAlerts()’: test/alert_tests.cpp:112:40: error: ‘raw_tests’ has not been declared [..]
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    DASH Embassy D-A-CH - Networking Meeting Marathon Austria

    Hello, I think your calendar link is not correct. With this link i only see my own calendar.
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    Sentinel run test passed = No

    this dir is a sub dir in the sentinel folder! I also think thats the solution to run it!
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    docker masternode

    For monitoring dashd i have the package "monit" - it checks the dashd process every minute
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    docker masternode

    Please don't start the dashd server every minute, thats crazy! :D Sentinel is an important part of dash - it does important things lol, so don't worry
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    correct sentinel crontab log string?

    if you don't belive, try this: md test rm test rm test >> test.log rm test 2>&1 >> test.log rm test >> test.log 2>&1 rm -rf test
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    correct sentinel crontab log string?

    NO! You have to put the 2>&1 part behind or it will not display error messages in the log! I learned that with the last sentinel bug... * * * * * cd /root/dashman/sentinel && venv/bin/python bin/ >> sentinel-cron.log 2>&1
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    Mail / push notification on incoming payments

    Found this via google...2 years later... is there a solution for this?
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    payment queue

    ok, please post this info! You should also mention that MN drop of the payment list all the time - that also changes the payment time!
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    Debug Entry "CGovernanceVote::IsValid -- VerifyMessage() failed"

    Yes, of course - after the next payment in about 2 days!
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    MN will not stay online after withdrawing payments

    sorry, thats not correct! You have to put the 2>&1 BEHIND like >> sentinel-cron.log >&1 I have learned that with the latest sentinel bug - because the error was not in the logfile! ;)
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    Debug Entry "CGovernanceVote::IsValid -- VerifyMessage() failed"

    Hello everyone, I'm a new MN Operator for about one month. Server is running and i got already 2 payments. But I wonder if is normal, that the dashd debug is full of this message: 2017-11-09 12:38:39 CGovernanceVote::IsValid -- VerifyMessage() failed, error: Keys don't match: ..... dashd...