Search results

  1. Beru

    Chael Sonnen joining Dash Nation!

    Reasonably priced, great exposure, great demographic, you have my vote. I just hope those SJW wont create a controversy about the ladies in dash apparel. Thats my only concern. Strange times...
  2. Beru

    Pre-Proposal: - Online Shopping Marketplace

    Exciting project. Would vote yes but I think you could split in 2 or 3 payments.
  3. Beru

    [Pre-Proposal] DashBoost - Funding Small Projects By Sub-DAO

    Thats a much needed structure. Theres a lot of talking about that. Are you open to collaborate with others who wants to do pretty much the same thing? I dont think we want rival organisations at this point. If you can make the fee high enough to make the petitionner pay for the evaluation it...
  4. Beru

    The problem with the price

    Theres still not enough support to make a proposal. Thanks all for your comments. I will continue monitoring the thread, if votes in favor are 75% I will do a proposal, no time limit. I hope that it served the community to have this discussion.
  5. Beru

    Pre-Proposal: Sole Sponsorship of Reality Check with Ben Swann & Ambassador

    Theres a lot of ressources devoted to supress any divergeant views about those issues by the corrupt political establishment, the pharmaceutical cartel and the mainstream media empire. People like Ben Swann are the reason we are successfull at what we do. He was the only one covering Ron Paul in...
  6. Beru

    Pre-Proposal: Sole Sponsorship of Reality Check with Ben Swann & Ambassador

    Thats our job to make possible a different point of view about those issues. Ben have a large viewership because he ask those questions that nobody else dare to ask. How can you defend a project who disturb the legacy and central banking, governements, crony capitalism when you cant accept a...
  7. Beru

    Pre-Proposal: Cannabis Genomic Blockchain on DASH and CannMed 2018 Partnership

    Sorry if the info I gave you is obsolete, I'm not familiar with the process. I will try to reach on discord if somebody can help. I think the easiest way is
  8. Beru

    Pre-Proposal: Cannabis Genomic Blockchain on DASH and CannMed 2018 Partnership

    Never did it but Amanda made a video about it. Hope it helps.
  9. Beru

    Pre-Proposal: Cannabis Genomic Blockchain on DASH and CannMed 2018 Partnership

    You should make a proposal right now IMHO. Its a no brainer, I dont see how it should not pass. Great prospect and presentation.
  10. Beru

    Pre-Proposal: Sole Sponsorship of Reality Check with Ben Swann & Ambassador

    This week feels like I'm in a dream. This is just huge. I found that the amount you ask is low and would vote yes for more if you can expand the advertising. Since the segment about PG, all we hear is "where is Ben Swann?" I didnt expect to find you here. The impact will be colossal.
  11. Beru

    Pre-proposal - Dash for the Belt

    Its kind of surreal to see you here Rory. Welcome to dash, I cant wait to vote for your proposal.
  12. Beru

    The problem with the price

    One of the problem we have for mass adoption is the price of the inividual dash. It was one of the reason I didnt go all in 2015. Now in retrospect, its a non-issue, but for somebody new to this, the number of unity you got from your bucks is important. If we want to be the digital cash for the...
  13. Beru

    Pre-proposal - Dash for the Belt

    I so want this to happen. I know some people found MMA a controversial subject but its a great demographic for us. Even maybe the rebranding will be ready so it will be a great way to introduce the result of Ogilvy's work at the event. Like Joel said I think the price of dash will be important...
  14. Beru

    Proposal: Amazon Advertising

    Thanks to do the follow up, Joe
  15. Beru

    Dash Television Commercial

    I think we sould wait for the rebranding done by Ogilvy before making decision about this. But I think its a great idea to start building a scalable strategy. I'm sure that the rebranding will motivate the troops to invest in a broader marketing campain. Starting from local stations leading to...
  16. Beru


    This is very interesting. I think this would be a great addition to the dash ecosystem. Do you have an idea how many fiat/dash pairs gonna be integrated? Do you have plan to grow to other markets outside of Asia? Whats the KYC/AML exigence in your jurisdiction? Sorry if those questions were...
  17. Beru

    Dash Cycling Team

    I don't have any logical arguments to vote no on this. That was easy.
  18. Beru

    PROPOSAL: Scaling Up Publicity with Amanda + PMBC

    I'm so happy to see you back. No brainer. Yes
  19. Beru


    Thats a great and reasonnably priced proposal. We need to support efforts like this by local communities. However, recently there was events from Ghana that led me to believe that a person you supported in his proposal is not totally commited to dash. This situation create doubts about the...
  20. Beru

    DashSquard Ng. Speaks At Nigeria Blockchain Summit

    Sent you .1 yesterday. Have you secured your participation? I think we need some kind of voluntary fund so masternodes can help projects like that without having discord flooded with sollicitations. Is dash force or dash global interested to recieve donations and integrate this new layer? I can...