Search results

  1. V

    Equipment Advice

    Well, equipment for mining is very expensive and problematic as well. I'm working in Computer service and the owner used to have 12 mining station. Every station had a 6 RX 580 Radeon. And he was getting every day 0.2 Ethereum. That sounds good, right? but the issue was graphics cards. There...
  2. V

    The Truth About Bitcoin

    Yep, I am absolutely sure that cryptocurrencies are going to be SOMETHING in a near future.
  3. V

    Android web browser Tapatalk ad pops up

    There is no AdBlock or something for Tapatalk?
  4. V

    Version 12.1 Release

    Heeey, thanks for sharing!
  5. V

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Hello! :) I am a new member of this forum, my name is Viktor. I am really glad to be a part of this community. Have a nice afternoon!