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  1. tagawa

    TenX DASH Payment at McDonald’s (obviously works with all other CCards too - Shakepay -…..)

    Looking through their whitepaper linked from here: it seems the debit card was available in Singapore from April and worldwide (with some exceptions, e.g. USA) from earlier this month (June). It looks like you apply for the card from the TenX app which is currently only...
  2. tagawa

    Pre-Proposal: Dash Bug Bounty Program by BugCrowd

    Makes sense - thank you.
  3. tagawa

    Pre-proposal: Moving the decimal place

    @flailingjunk There's an in-depth discussion on this topic here: It's from last year but should be helpful for you.
  4. tagawa

    Pre-Proposal: Dash Bug Bounty Program by BugCrowd

    That raises a good question about what would happen in the case of unused bounty. Would it be returned, earmarked for future use, or some other plan? Sorry for so many questions but I figure they're likely to come up at the proposal stage anyway.
  5. tagawa

    Pre-Proposal: Dash Bug Bounty Program by BugCrowd

    Good to hear. Thanks for the quick reply @jimbursch.
  6. tagawa

    Pre-Proposal: Dash Bug Bounty Program by BugCrowd

    Very good idea - I'm surprised it hasn't been proposed already. Quick question: Have other bounty platforms been considered such as Open Bug Bounty or HackerOne? I'm not saying it's a bad choice, just making sure all options have been looked into.