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    [UPDATED] Pre-Proposal: Dash India - Promoting Dash for Crypto-Remittances.

    Remittances for India Links, Videos and Places to look for: Dash India Remittances: VideoTutorial 1 Dash India Remittances: VideoTutorial 2 Dash News : Remittances in India Article: Dash India Strives to Improve Remittances...
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    Bringing Dash to India

    No other country seems better prepared for Dash adoption than India. Here are 4 great arguments why India is so important for Dash and vise versa : Number 1: India has the biggest ( $ 70 Billion) remittance market of the world...
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    [UPDATED] Pre-Proposal: Dash India - Promoting Dash for Crypto-Remittances.

    Indias demonetization is a massive man (government) -made-disaster Picures and videos from money-hell: 900 million UNBANKED in just one country. According to the Indian Ministry of Finance...
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    [UPDATED] Pre-Proposal: Dash India - Promoting Dash for Crypto-Remittances.

    Some amazing facts on Remittances (see – According to a report by OECD approximately 3% (230 million) of world’s population resides outside their home country. In 2015, these 230 million migrants have sent $500 billion in form of remittance to...
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    75,000 users and counting , next stop 1 million users if you support us

    I would also suggest, that before hoarding circulation is the most important quality of real money(="Currency")- and its the main motor of valutation (i.e. rise in price) But how can you start circulation if you dont kickstart it by getting Dash in the publics hand? And how can you prove...
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    Dash is going viral in venezuela -crossed 100,000+ signups, need your Support ,Urgent

    Very interesting article by JeffreyTucker about what is going to change in Venezuela. Crypto vs. Fiat: The Battle Is On You might be living in a time in which you will experience the end of central banking and perhaps even fiat currency, and...
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    Question about alternative scaling solution

    Why not consider Hashgraph explained here by its inventor Prof.Leemon Baird (Crash Course 17') Hashgraph and the Future of Distributed Consensus (1h7') | Internet for the 21st Century with Leemon Baird or Leemon Baird Talks Hashgraph (1:20') presented ad Harvard University Whitepaper much...
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    Competition for the best money (DASH mentioned in german article : "Der Kampf um besseres Geld") Kryptowährungen: Der Kampf um besseres Geld 15. September 2017 Im Biotop der digitalen Währungs-Ursuppe herrscht wuselndes Leben: fast 1000 verschiedene Kryptowährungen tummeln sich hier und kämpfen um das bessere...
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    Dash mentioned in german Media 11.10.2017:"Dash better than Bitcoin?"(DASH besser als Bitcoin?)

    The commentaries are interesting too
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    Dash mentioned in german Media 11.10.2017:"Dash better than Bitcoin?"(DASH besser als Bitcoin?)

    On MMnews you can read Krypto-Währungen: DASH besser als Bitcoin? 11. Oktober 2017 Der sinnliche Charme von DASH, Bitcoin & CO Von Moritz Kajdi Nur wer die sinnliche neue Krypto- Gelderfahrung gemacht hat, weiss eigentlich wovon hier gesprochen wird: mit DASH haben Überweisungen nur noch...
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    An Open Letter to Dash's Investors -- Amanda B. Johnson

    Hello Amanda, i wish you all the best! I thank you so much for your intelligent, kind and straightforward DASH video instructions that you have put out Hope to hear from you soon again!