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  1. Ezeksalt

    TEACH DASH BRAZIL: Empowering Refugees With CryptoCurrency Education A Proposal For The DASH Network

    Yes, that´s for sure. All of the courses will be full of incentives for them to create and sustain a dash based economy for the beneffit of them all and the others will come next, and the network will bennefit from it from various standpoints. Thanks again for your interest in our pre-proposal!
  2. Ezeksalt

    TEACH DASH BRAZIL: Empowering Refugees With CryptoCurrency Education A Proposal For The DASH Network

    Thanks for your thougths, JZA, but let´s say that there are "educational and social proposals" (teach dash helping refugees, giving them incentive to learn and to use dash to meet their needs) and "comercial proposals" (sell dash). Here we have a first kind of proposal and you can fell free to...
  3. Ezeksalt

    TEACH DASH BRAZIL: Empowering Refugees With CryptoCurrency Education A Proposal For The DASH Network

    I agree that we must treat dash as money, as it is, and we are not doing anything different from that in this. Money also must be useful and the whole point is teaching people to use dash as money, in practice, what is impossible without having dash to use. The coins will be given to them in...
  4. Ezeksalt

    TEACH DASH BRAZIL: Empowering Refugees With CryptoCurrency Education A Proposal For The DASH Network

    We did the correction there, thanks! We count on your support
  5. Ezeksalt

    TEACH DASH BRAZIL: Empowering Refugees With CryptoCurrency Education A Proposal For The DASH Network

    He Hello! We meant 100 bucks for 50 people, reaching to the number of 5 thousand dollars. Is it more clear now?
  6. Ezeksalt

    TEACH DASH BRAZIL: Empowering Refugees With CryptoCurrency Education A Proposal For The DASH Network

    The following proposal is being put forth by three parties in Sao Paulo Brazil, Sean Morgan, the cofounder of CoinYou.Co Crypto Education Platform, Ezequiel Gomes, the chief-editor of and Dr. Husam Abboud of the blockchain research lab and, a refugee reintegration...
  7. Ezeksalt

    Now anyone can buy DASH from virtually any point inside Brazil

    Recently, CoinBR (a brazilian Exchange) announced that anyone in Brazil now can buy Dash easily through bank deposit in one of the most popular banks in the country. Everyone that has acess to what it´s called a “lottery house” (a popular place to bet in government´s lottery and that also...
  8. Ezeksalt


    Wish you good luck!
  9. Ezeksalt

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Great! Sucess!!!
  10. Ezeksalt

    DASH is Forging its own Path Says Analyst

    Very nice, tks for sharing!
  11. Ezeksalt

    Dash: “É como a bitcoin, mas melhor”

    5 características nas quais o DASH é melhor que o Bitcoin
  12. Ezeksalt (novo site)

  13. Ezeksalt


    Achei excelente esse texto do Eric Sammons Creio que a questão da "educação" nas criptomedas precisa passar por esse tipo de iniciativa que eu chamo "de base". De...