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  1. Plateglassarmour

    Building the Dash DAO

    I like the ideas you are presenting, but I have some additional thoughts for potential improvements. I would also like to hear from Core before getting too much further in the process, since we would be heavily relying on them, and if they can't scale faster at the moment (which I suspect is...
  2. Plateglassarmour

    *Updated* When the minimum price of a transaction rises above 1 cent, should we lower the the fee?

    When the minimum price of an average transaction rises above 1 cent, should we lower the transaction fee? First Pre-proposal here: YES: (I think that we should attempt to keep transaction fees below 1...
  3. Plateglassarmour

    [Pre-Proposal] DashBoost - Funding Small Projects By Sub-DAO

    I like the structure you are laying out, and it's clear you've put a lot of thought in to running it properly. My main concern at this point is that people arguing for perfection before a MVP can be launched will stall the project indefinitely. I certainly encourage you to think about the...
  4. Plateglassarmour

    Sub-dao, voter delegation, or lowering the proposal fee. Best scaling options?

    So, user Pasta has posted an idea that pretty much sums up a lot of the short term plans for useful structures in a new pre-proposal. I would direct everyone over there to take a look, at least for short term solutions, until we change the structure of the system in evolution...
  5. Plateglassarmour

    MasterNode Scaling...

    I don't actually have a problem with changing the algorithm; but I won't hold my breath for Hashgraph specifically until I see them with a public release. There are always trade-offs, and I don't see how you can make the barrier to entry for changing a ledger so much lower (i.e. more efficient)...
  6. Plateglassarmour

    MasterNode Scaling...

    From what I have been able to determine, Hashgraph is not resistant to adversarial nodes, or to Sybil attacks. There's a reason it's only been implemented in closed applications so far, and there is no discussion of having an open or public version of it yet (or at all.) If you are curious if...
  7. Plateglassarmour

    Sub-dao, voter delegation, or lowering the proposal fee. Best scaling options?

    The problem with this is that it leads to the same issue as lowering the proposal fee: a total number of proposals that is too high to reasonably sort through, regardless of their value. If We have a sub-dao, it needs to either be A)self contained and have discretion to spend funds on it's own...
  8. Plateglassarmour

    Sub-dao, voter delegation, or lowering the proposal fee. Best scaling options?

    I think the biggest potential issue with this solution is that it opens up an attack vector (albeit an expensive one) to spam proposals, so no valid ones could get through. In terms of potential solutions, a nice sophisticated one could be having a couple of "tiers" of additional governance...
  9. Plateglassarmour

    Sub-dao, voter delegation, or lowering the proposal fee. Best scaling options?

    So clearly, there is an acute need to start discussing scaling options. The proposal fee is now more than $7500, and that is a huge barrier to entry for smaller scale proposals. Unfortunately, lowering the proposal fee could lead to the breakdown of the ability for masternodes to actually...
  10. Plateglassarmour

    Sub-dao, voter delegation, or lowering the proposal fee. Best scaling options?

    This thread is for the discussion of ideas to help alleviate some of the issues regarding our rapid growth, such as the increasingly large barrier for proposals. All ideas welcome. Please be civil.
  11. Plateglassarmour

    Additional Network Layers and Governance v3

    I love the idea. My first thought is that once you have the platform, it would be easy to have "tiers" of proposals to look through. There would of course be the full, ready proposals featured front and center; but you could also have a separate level for pre-proposals or small projects (<10...
  12. Plateglassarmour

    The cost of a transaction should be lowered again.

    Precisely; I'm going to word the proposal something like "Should the minimum transaction fee be lowered 10x when the minimum price of a normal transaction is over 1 cent". That way it sets a good ground rule that the community can stick to in the future, without requiring immediate action on...
  13. Plateglassarmour

    MyDashWallet with Tipping and Hardware Wallet Support

    My biggest concern would by phishing. has led to a huge number of problems for people new to the crypto space since an online wallet portal is so much easier to provide false links, bad urls, etc. I like the idea in principle, but I would like to know what your thoughts are to...
  14. Plateglassarmour

    The cost of a transaction should be lowered again.

    The main problem with trying to have lower fees across the board is that so much of our current average fee is determined by the wallets people use, there's a reason our average fee at the moment is $0.47. All we can do is plug away at lowering fees and encourage wallets to lower their Dash...
  15. Plateglassarmour

    The cost of a transaction should be lowered again.

    Proposal: So, now that we are sitting at $1000 or more per Dash, the cost of a transaction is creeping up again. I think that the minimum cost of a transaction should be lowered another order of magnitude at the next software release. At the moment, the average minimum fee using the Dash core...
  16. Plateglassarmour

    Pre-proposal: Protecting the Network Against Flood Attack

    My point of contention with filtering the blockchain for large blocks of cheap transactions is that it can filter out valid transactions as well. If it is not necessary to do so, I don't think we should ever filter for cheap transactions, simply let the current system of competing fees handle...
  17. Plateglassarmour

    Pre-proposal: Protecting the Network Against Flood Attack

    I am struggling to see the problem with increasing the block size when the current size fills up. If the spammer pays for a full block of spam, the fees generated should be enough to pay for the increase in network capacity; that is the whole premise for scaling in the future. If the fees...
  18. Plateglassarmour

    [pre-proposal] Burnt Hamster Publishing

    Yeah, that was just off the top of my head, name it whatever you think best describes it in generic terms.
  19. Plateglassarmour

    [pre-proposal] Burnt Hamster Publishing

    That's fine, you don't need to change the name of your corporation etc. Just change the proposal itself to something like "Small run publication for Dash".
  20. Plateglassarmour

    [pre-proposal] Burnt Hamster Publishing

    I know it shouldn't matter, but you might want to consider changing the name. I know I saw some comments on your last proposal that the name put a couple of people off before they even really looked into your proposal. I would hate for you to end up wasting your money just because of a dumb...