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  1. Tizswa

    Dash "clubs" as Facebook groups

    Interesting Idea, even if sounds a bit masonic..
  2. Tizswa

    Dash "clubs" as Facebook groups

    I understood it some minutes too late! Ahah
  3. Tizswa

    Dash "clubs" as Facebook groups

    So, you don't care about the core project of the technology, you don't care about the name. Well, I don't think it's me going against this community..
  4. Tizswa

    Dash "clubs" as Facebook groups

    Then discuss about it in another thread, because you went off topic.
  5. Tizswa

    Dash "clubs" as Facebook groups

    But you are going off topic, I'm talking about information and end user scalability, not Governance.
  6. Tizswa

    Dash "clubs" as Facebook groups

    Exactly this would be the failure of the system, to think that to use some money to pay you should know how the printer prints it. It makes no sense. I repeat, one of the biggest ongoing projects here is "Evolution" and it represents exactly the opposite you are writing.
  7. Tizswa

    Dash "clubs" as Facebook groups

    I think that the DAO structure is already thought to avoid this problem, you can vote only if you have a MN, if you have 1000 DASH in your wallet I guess you know how all this works and I really doubt you could be so "digitally illiterate". Then if my Mother wants to became "literate" what would...
  8. Tizswa

    Dash "clubs" as Facebook groups

    I think that what I personally do with money, whatever kind of money it is, could affect my image and not the credibility of the coin. But at the same time, if this form of payment is used only between an "elite" group of limited persons, and not accessible to the 99.9% of the world's...
  9. Tizswa

    Dash "clubs" as Facebook groups

    So, this means that having an account on FB indicates you are a "digitally illiterate"? Ok, but this is your idea. Yes, mine is that everyone one day should be able to use DASH in an easy way, and I think this is the community's goal. What do you think Evolution will be used for?
  10. Tizswa

    Dash "clubs" as Facebook groups

    I see your point, but the goal here is to have DASH as a worldwide digital currency used from everyone, even my mother. What I mean is that, if we want to reach everybody we should be easier to reach. The way of thinking is not having DASH official clubs on Facebook, but Facebook Dash clubs...
  11. Tizswa

    Dash "clubs" as Facebook groups

    Hi everyone, I think that to get people involved in something new and revolutionary like Dash is, it needs time. It does because is human nature to be scared about something new. Something that, even if better than what we already have, it's not yet common used. That's why I like to spend time...
  12. Tizswa

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Ciao a tutti! Tiziano here. I'm a Dash enthusiast, so much that I decided to create a youtube channel dedicated to DASH, in Italian! I started just some days ago with the intro and today I uploaded a video on how to use the wallet. My country is very slow when talking in a language different...
  13. Tizswa

    Buying That Cheap Dash

    The price race to 100$ was too fast, all this speculation is cause of it, and yes too many "wannabe-trader". But I perfectly agree with the fact that they all will try to buy back as soon as evo will come. ;)
  14. Tizswa

    Cloud mining and price rise

    Since the price will go down a bit, because the 100 $ per dash in so few time created too much speculation, I think it is still a much better time to mine instead of holding. I will personally invest in hash power, believing that evo will change the game.
  15. Tizswa

    Mining with free electricity

    I guess the best option is always to delegate the work to a company. They will upgrade the hardware and care about maintenance, I'm happy with my Genesis Mining Payouts. If you are interested to give a look on the site and use this code to have the 3% discount: DfViAU