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  1. B

    Maybe I'm just not "smart" enough to get it, but...

    Funny story: Guy walks into a forest of very tall trees with an axe in hand. He picks a little 10 foot tree and starts chopping away. The tree quickly falls in the direction of the cuts and lands on the guy. He doesn't understand why the tree would do that and blames the tree for attacking him ...
  2. B

    Maybe I'm just not "smart" enough to get it, but...

    Why do you keep asking questions I've already answered? This not YOUR thread. You waltzed in here misunderstanding because you can't be bothered to read enough to comprehend. Last I checked, forums were for anyone who wishes to discuss ideas, and that's what I'm doing. It's not my fault you look...
  3. B

    Maybe I'm just not "smart" enough to get it, but...

    Thanks for the back up, Stan! :)
  4. B

    Maybe I'm just not "smart" enough to get it, but...

    Apologies, everyone. Getting ready for my 2nd job and feel bad that I hit a low point there. Not that it should matter, but just FYI: Wife was diagnosed with 2 brain cysts in January, and has not been able to work since December. I am the sole bread winner and housekeeper and caretaker, etc...
  5. B

    Maybe I'm just not "smart" enough to get it, but...

    To everyone in this thread that has replied kindly which is all but two: Thank You! You have been helpful in discussion and stretching my brain a bit, in assisting my learning and have even provided reference material and encouragement. You are AWESOME! Way to be an example! :)
  6. B

    Maybe I'm just not "smart" enough to get it, but...

    "And that is why you fail." -Yoda
  7. B

    Maybe I'm just not "smart" enough to get it, but...

    @lynx: Aaaand I had assumed you had actually read and comprehended words (like the topic of the thread) before talking smack; maybe even read the very first post or the times I mentioned that I am brand spanking new to crypto, but that doesn't seem to be the case. By appearances, you are...
  8. B

    Maybe I'm just not "smart" enough to get it, but...

    I understand what you're saying. Maybe it *is* naive in a way, however I haven't come up with a better idea that falls in line with the "mission" of CC. It is simply not possible to have total anonymity *and* responsibility simultaneously. It's the same logic as "Every citizen has to prove they...
  9. B

    Maybe I'm just not "smart" enough to get it, but...

    -----Correct! Establishing who people are (to bind wallets and miners to specific owners) vs what they do (all transactions remain private as the system already does). It's no different than having a driver's license for ID for the purposes of establishing that you meet certain criteria (to...
  10. B

    Maybe I'm just not "smart" enough to get it, but...

    That is a great thread and thank you for presenting it!! I haven't finished reading it all yet, but along the way, it occurs to me that there is an awful lot of thought put into extravagant ways to do this, much of which is over my head. Again, I'm no programmer or rocket scientist, but it seems...
  11. B

    Maybe I'm just not "smart" enough to get it, but...

    I totally understand what you guys are saying. I won't lie, though. DASH has the mission I agree with most and nobody else seems to have the same mission (execution of such being a whole other topic of discussion). However, while the "money" may be out of centralized, banker hands and able to be...
  12. B

    Maybe I'm just not "smart" enough to get it, but...

    Short story and existential dilemma that maybe you can help me with: Maybe I'm just not "smart" enough to get it, but... a friend swears to me I need to be crypto mining; Ethereum specifically. Coin mining is the thing to be doing, he says! All I need to do is spend what amounts to a ton of...
  13. B

    GPU + CPU Mining - still profitable?

    True Story! Is mining DASH a secret society or something? If the idea of DASH is to be used, how is there so little useful info and so little newer than 2014??