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  1. xkcd

    Evonode quick start guide

    Upgrading to Platform v1.7.1 for quick start guide users is as easy as this one liner. rm -fr ~/dashmate ;wget &&tar xf dashmate-v1.7.1-fc7d994b8-linux-x64.tar.gz &&dashmate/bin/dashmate...
  2. xkcd

    Evonode quick start guide

    Upgrading to Platform v1.7.0 for quick start guide users is as easy as this one liner. Note it also upgrades to v22 of core. rm -fr ~/dashmate ;wget &&tar xf...
  3. xkcd

    How EVOnode get its Rewards, How earnings distributed from Platform CreditPool?

    You ran 3 complete Epochs and got total Dash (12.6+11.4+8.64)+3*2*0.89=37.98 DASH. Annualised that's 37.98/3*40=506.4 Dash. As a percentage of 4000 Dash, 506/4000*100=12.66% According to MNOwatch, evonodes page, the APY is So yo beat the average and still complain? Am I confused?
  4. xkcd

    Pre-Proposal: DASH Peru - Pilot event and creation of the comunity

    This should be folded into Joel's existing Dash Growth proposal. I will bring it to his attention, what you are trying to do has had limited success in the past. An approach I would pursue is focusing on tangibles, like get Dash listed on the local crypto exchange, present/promote Dash at...
  5. xkcd

    issue: not showing svg's

    Reproduced on Firefox on win11.
  6. xkcd

    Contested Usernames : view, discuss, gain support

    What username did you try to register? From what I can see, the MNOs are only down voting fraud. You can see how they are voting on the current list with this nifty site I found Bullshit! I don't believe this shit at all, are you related to Amanda B. Johnson, by the way...
  7. xkcd

    Dash Platform v1.6.1 - mandatory update!

    That is correct, the build system failed with v1.6.0, so we went with v1.6.1, but the network was upgrading from v1.5.
  8. xkcd

    Evonode quick start guide

    Upgrading to Platform v1.6.1 for quick start guide users is as easy as this one liner. rm -fr ~/dashmate ;wget &&tar xf dashmate-v1.6.1-1d4c3b418-linux-x64.tar.gz &&dashmate/bin/dashmate...
  9. xkcd

    Pre-Proposal: Masternode Voter Privacy using ZKPs

    There is no evidence that MNOs are discouraged from voting due to the possibility of matching their votes to their masternodes. Ultimately, the fate of the DAO is to be transferred to Platform, where we can vote the numbers, stupid! and do a lot more all while persisting it all on-chain. The...
  10. xkcd

    Vaultoro, you should be outraged and ashamed

    They received copious funding from the DAO to rebuild their platform and Dash was to be supported as one of the prominent pairs there. After some time, they made an excuse and de-listed us. What do you think that says about them and the kind of people they might be? No one in Dash ever used...
  11. xkcd

    Contested Usernames : view, discuss, gain support

    Why are there two contestants?
  12. xkcd

    How To Withdraw EVOnode Rewards from Dash Platform.

    My experience was different, I am on windows and was able to vote on contested resources. Be sure to try several times and to verify after each vote on this special page.
  13. xkcd

    Dash Evolution Roadmap for the coming months (short term)

    non-fungible and fungible tokens are slated for v1.6, smart contracts are coming in v2 at the end of 2025.
  14. xkcd

    Dash Evolution Roadmap for the coming months (short term)

    Soon, devs are working on this release right now. First v1.5.1 needs to activate, hard-fork happens in 15 hours.
  15. xkcd

    Dash Price Discussion and Dash Shortterm/Longterm Price Trend Speculation

    It appears that Bitcoin Dominance has finally topped out at 60% and is now heading down as retail re-enters the space and starts to pick up risk assets. Dash is a benefactor.
  16. xkcd

    How To Withdraw EVOnode Rewards from Dash Platform.

    Try again and again, it often fails several times before working, also verify if your withdrawal appears on this page In case it doesn't help, wait for 2 days and a new version of the DET will be released that may solve this problem.
  17. xkcd

    DIF Supervisor Election 2024

    Me too, show something of substance for once, cos all you ever do is FUD the shit out of it and discredit yourself.
  18. xkcd

    Evonode quick start guide

    Upgrading to Platform v1.5.1 for quick start guide users is as easy as this one liner. rm -fr ~/dashmate ;wget &&tar xf dashmate-v1.5.1-8f924cc0a-linux-x64.tar.gz &&dashmate/bin/dashmate...
  19. xkcd

    R.I.P. Masterblaster

    Yeah, that is true, I noticed the same, the collaterals are still prepped for 4k evonodes, but remain unregistered, really hard to understand the logic behind it.
  20. xkcd

    Evonode upgrade tutorial

    The network is facing problems, we will update as necessary on