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  1. marcofsportugal

    Afinal quantos somos?

    :p "Prefiro ter moedas e transacções anónimas do eu próprio ser anónimo" Autor :)
  2. marcofsportugal

    Lets make a Wall @ 0.020...hold ...and then...

    Guys, put your sell orders @ 0,020 to put the price high! Then remove it and put it @ 0,025... Dont let the price fall. We must have a better price than the LTC! Im tired to be manipulated, lets go all manipulate our market to worth something! We all spend electricity and hardware! Its fair enough!
  3. marcofsportugal

    Keep the DRK price high!

    Dont let the foxes get it and steal our chickens! Just my 5 cents...:confused:
  4. marcofsportugal

    Suggestion - Darkcointalk Pool with PPS payment method...

    In order to increase the miners numbers AND pool hasrate, why not a Pay Per Share (PPS) method with 4% fee per share + 1%pool fee? I guess it would be the first pool to use this metod... Why not? Techical problems? Afraid to loss? Too risky? ;)