Search results

  1. HashEngineering

    Dash Wallet for Android - Beta Program (10 users get 0.1 DASH)

    Dash Wallet 5.14 Beta Test (0.1 Dash for the first ten testers) The test is to make sure that the recovery phrase feature works. You must have a balance (greater than 0.0000 DASH) to perform this test. Can you reload your wallet using the recovery phrase feature? We have received more than...
  2. HashEngineering

    Dash Wallet for Android - Incentive Program to Fix Bugs and Get Screen Shots

    There will be a small incentive program to help me fix bugs and get screen shots for Google Play of the Dash Wallet in other languages. #1 - Screenshots of Dash Wallet in other languages (max of 0.05 per language per device): Only for supported languages that are already in Dash Wallet Send...
  3. HashEngineering

    Dash Wallet for Android - Maintenance and Support #1

    This project was approved for funding in the last Treasury payout and more information can be found here about the proposal. Here, we will post the monthly reports concerning the work being done. April 2017 Downloads and...
  4. HashEngineering

    Dash Wallet for Android v5 (Testnet)

    We are planning to release an update to the Dash Wallet for Android. This update includes bug fixes and other enhancements imported from Bitcoin Wallet for Android. It also includes: 1. Recovery Phrase Support (BIP39) - View your recovery phrase (12 word seed) and Restore from one. 2. Fix a...
  5. HashEngineering

    Pre-proposal: Dash Wallet for Android - Maintenance and Support

    Executive Summary: This proposal will be for bug fixes and support of the Dash Wallet for Android for 6 months. This will be submitted after the next super block. Fee: 11 DASH per month for 6 months. 10 DASH/month for the actual work, 1 DASH/month to pay for Proposal Submission Fee...
  6. HashEngineering

    Dash Wallet for Android (supporting 12.1 Sentinel)

    This topic will be about the Android wallet for Dash called Dash Wallet. It supports Dash 12.1. History: This is the 12.1 version of the MainNet wallet. It is based on the testnet version, which was working well. Some updates were made compared to the previous version 4.65.12E (for Dash...
  7. HashEngineering

    Dash Android Wallet Proposal

    I would like feedback concerning the following draft of a proposal that could eventually be submitted for funding through the Dash blockchain. Dash Android Wallet Proposal This is a draft. Currently there is no mention of funds that would be requested. Some positions have no one that is...
  8. HashEngineering

    DASH Block Explorers with InstantSend

    Today, various members were chatting at the Digital Cash Slack in the support and tech channel about Dash N Drink and getting various apps that have the ability to use InstantSend. One such app mentioned was Jaxx. After going to their website and finding their source code listing to be rather...
  9. HashEngineering

    Dash Wallet for Android [testnet]

    This topic is closed. Future discussion of the TestNet version of the app will be here: The testnet version of the Dash Wallet for Android has been updated for the v12.1 testnet. This version is for testing only...
  10. HashEngineering

    Dash Wallet for Android (IX w/ Send and Receive, New UI)

    The developers of the Dash Wallet for Android are ready to test the production version of the Dash Wallet for Android that has these updated features: 1. New User Interface 2. Ability to Receive IX transactions and know if they are locked 3. Ability to know that Sent IX transactions are...
  11. HashEngineering

    Dash Network Bandwidth Usage (Re: Java SPV Implimentation)

    As some know work is proceeding with some success to add more InstantX support to the Dash Wallet for Android. In short this requires: 1. Receiving IX Requests and Consensus Votes from the top 10 masternodes (based on the rules) 2. Receiving 6 of the 10 Consensus Votes and Locking the IX...
  12. HashEngineering

    Masternode ping arrived too early - message

    While I am working on a java implementation of InstantX, I have my java service listening for MasternodePings and MasternodeBroadcasts. After loading all the masternodes, then this warning message is triggered, which originally from: Line 644 of masternode.cpp...
  13. HashEngineering

    BIP71 for DASH

    What are the mime types for BIP71 for Dash? For Bitcoin they are: MessageType/Subtype PaymentRequestapplication/bitcoin-paymentrequest Paymentapplication/bitcoin-payment PaymentACKapplication/bitcoin-paymentack Thanks.
  14. HashEngineering

    BIP38 Paper Wallets

    Are there any Password Protected Paper Wallets for Dash?
  15. HashEngineering

    Dash Wallet for Android (Release 4) [closed]

    This will be the new topic for the Android Wallet for Dash that is forked from Bitcoin Wallet by Andreas Schildbach. This post will include a log of when updates are made. Next Planned Update: More IX support...
  16. HashEngineering

    Android Wallet for Dash Beta Testing [closed]

    Before I release the New Version of the Android App on Google Play and sort of "force" 1600 users to upgrade, I would like to get feedback on how it works and looks. Let me know your feedback. If it's positive, then I...
  17. HashEngineering

    Android Wallet v4

    Hash Engineering Solutions continues to work on a standalone Android Wallet that is forked from the Bitcoin Wallet by Andreas Schildbach (now version 4.x). This new version will have these features: 1. Sweep Paper Wallet 2. PIN Code support 3. HD Wallet / seed value This version requires...
  18. HashEngineering

    Android Wallet

    Hash Engineering Solutions is still working on a standalone Android Wallet that is forked from the Bitcoin Wallet by Andreas Schildbach. Beta Program here for the Dash Wallet with some InstantX support (use at your own risk, with small amounts of coins)...