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  1. Bugeater

    DASH, The Governance Coin

    We need a new slogan. Yahoo just described every crypto coin in four words or less. They said DASH = Privacy Focused Bitcoin Clone. Makes me want to throw up. Not good people. Everyone all day I have to educate that DASH is not competing with Monero and we're about the governance. All...
  2. Bugeater

    Dash $25!!

    This is awesome! Everyone called me crazy when I told you all it was going over $20. Now for my next prediction. We will hit $100. It is going to happen! So be smart and buy more. Thank you, Bugeater
  3. Bugeater

    Emotional rude responses, why?

    Listen guys, I just posted two new ideas that I really liked that I read about on this forum. I got three nasty and condescending replies. Things like "that's stupid" or "how about we focus on real ideas instead of your moronic ones" and basically saying I'm an idiot. Now, I'm a big boy and...
  4. Bugeater

    Two great ideas I just read about

    I have just read two excellent ideas on this forum that I really agree with that would help DASH price to increase. #1 Change the name from DASH to something else. Maybe we keep dash in the name and have two names like MaidSafe. But the good names like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Lisk, Factom...
  5. Bugeater

    Why do we need miners?

    Can we just have the masternodes do the minning? If we don't need huge machines do mine then why can't our masternodes mine as well? Masternode owners love and care about the future of Dash. They own 1000 Dash which makes us invested. Miners probably own zero dash and could care less if we...
  6. Bugeater

    DASH price dropping

    Against Bitcoin, it was like 1 BTC to 90 Dash, and now 1 BTC buys you 130 DASH. Anyone worried?
  7. Bugeater

    DASH features are amazing --- no more new ones please

    Masternodes is just plain brilliant. The single best idea DASH has going for it. The incentive to form MN's and the with them solving the governance issue makes me know without a doubt masternodes or something like them is the future for crypto. We also have Dark Send and evolution and...
  8. Bugeater

    Restore a backup? Please help

    I have restored a lost Bitcoin core backup before. For Bitcoin I went to: user/myname/AppData/Roaming/Bitcoin Then I deleted the old wallet.dat and replaced with my backup and renamed it wallet.dat and presto! It worked like a charm. I tested it with .1 Bitcoins in case it didn't work, but...
  9. Bugeater

    Price took a crap on high volume

    Volume last 24 hours was over $100k, and over $60k just at Cryptsy. Someone is selling off some. I have noticed that people don't seem to obsess over the price here like they do at the litecoin forum but this still has to be a negative, no?
  10. Bugeater

    Darksend Progress

    I understand this takes a while. I am not asking about that. Please take this in that context. I am asking how long this is suppose to take or how I am suppose to do this. I did 1000 DASH at 2 rounds about two days ago, almost exactly 48 hours ago. I am at 5% and 3.900039 DASH done with...
  11. Bugeater

    Litecoin going down

    Been reading many posts here and I can tell a lot of people still have Litecoin. Sell that and thank the Lord you got more than a dollar for it. Trust me when I tell you that coin is headed for disaster.
  12. Bugeater

    Master Node Simple?

    I am not sure what to do. I bought 1300 DASH because it was simple to transfer from Bitcoin. I wanted to run a Master node, but with all the steps I am second guessing my decision. I really loved the idea of getting interest % but now not so sure. Is there any future plans to make this...
  13. Bugeater

    Don't understand Darksend

    Ok --- I am a newbie when it comes to digital currencies but I started with Bitcoin months ago, and decided to buy 1000 DASH and become a masternode as the idea of getting % back was cool to me. I bought 1300 DASH or so at ShapeShift (in four installments). But new to me, this says I cannot...