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  1. B

    Total coins

    I know that total is estimated at around 22mil and that at current difficulty levels, most blocks pay between 15-19 coins How can I find out the total coins in circulation right now? Also in what time span is the rest of the coins expected to be distributed? And since I don't see any mention of...
  2. B

    Help. I can't get sgminer to work on some systems

    Hello I have 4 gpus on 4 different systems. A 5770, a 7770, a 7970 and a 7950 I have gotten sgminer to work on 2 systems (5770 on windows server 2012 and 7770 on windows 7) but I'm having trouble with the other two (on windows 8 32 and 64 bit) At first, I could get sgminer to run (using...